This file contains a detailed description of the Aa-machine version 0.5, including the two file formats (story and saved game) and the bytecode semantics. Be warned that the description is technically comprehensive and rather condensed. Changes in v0.5: New opcodes: TAIL CLEAR_OLD CLEAR_DIV New opcode variants: AUX_PUSH_RAW 0 ENTER_STATUS BYTE INDEX New vm_info items: 60 Interpreter supports the top status area. 61 Interpreter supports the inline status area. Updated the output model chapter to reflect multiple status areas. Digits are stored as numbers inside extended dictionary words. The pseudo-code for parse_word has been updated to reflect this. GET_KEY must return digits as numbers. These are still early days, and everything is subject to change. When only the minor version number is incremented, efforts are made to keep all changes backwards-compatible. Runtime data ============ Words: Most data is organized into words. A word is currently always 16 bits. When words are stored in a save file, the byte order is big-endian. The internal format of a 16-bit word could be: * A raw 16-bit value, such as an index into one of the heap areas. * 16 independent flags, numbered 0..15 starting with the most significant bit. The unconventional bit order works together with big-endian byte ordering to allow interpreters to work with word-addressing or byte-addressing when dealing with flag numbers. * A live value (tagged reference), as follows: 0001..1fff Object 2000..3dff Word (index into dictionary) 3e00..3eff Character 3f00 [] (empty list) 3f01..3fff reserved 4000..7fff Integer in the range 0..16383 8000..9fff Indirect reference (index into heap) a000..bfff reserved c000..dffe Pair (index into heap) e000..fffe Word, extended (index into heap) In this document, tagged references are described as if they had two independent fields, "tag" and "value". But the tag is actually determined from a variable number of upper bits of the word, as follows (v is the value): 00000000 00000000 null_tag 000vvvvv vvvvvvvv v > 0 object 001vvvvv vvvvvvvv v < 0x1e00 word 00111110 vvvvvvvv char 00111111 00000000 empty_tag 01vvvvvv vvvvvvvv number 100vvvvv vvvvvvvv reference 101vvvvv vvvvvvvv (reserved) 110vvvvv vvvvvvvv pair 111vvvvv vvvvvvvv extdict * A stored value, as follows: 0000 Unset (Null) 0001..7fff Literal value as above 8000..fffe Index into long-term storage area * Part of a serialized data stream: 0000 End of stream marker 0001..7fff Literal value as above 8000 Unbound variable 8001..80ff reserved 8100 Extended word marker 8101..bfff reserved c000..dfff Proper list marker e000..fffe Improper list marker The special value 3f3f marks unused words in the main heap, aux, and random access areas. This is handy for measuring peak memory usage. Text: The game-specific CHARACTER SET is a single-byte encoding. 00-1f are reserved. Some represent special keypresses: 08 backspace/delete 0d return 10 up 11 down 12 left 13 right 20-7e correspond to the ASCII characters 7f is reserved 80-ff are game-specific Characters 80-ff are mapped to unicode glyphs by a game-specific "character mapping table". Characters from the CHARACTER SET may appear in input, dictionary words, and output. As part of input processing, characters are converted to lowercase. The character mapping table contains information about case conversion for letters other than A-Z. Strings are sequences of printable characters (20-7e, 80-ff) and dictionary words, packed into bit streams according to a Huffman-inspired encoding. * Characters in the ranges 20-7e and 80-9f (ASCII and 32 other glyphs as per the character mapping table) have a compact, variable-length encoding. * Characters in the range 9f-ff and dictionary words are represented by a less efficient (but simpler) encoding. There is a game-specific bitstream decoding tree with up to 128 nodes (see LANG). Game state: Unsaved data: * Most output state (Style, screen contents, ...) * Runtime flags (transcript, trace, uppercase) * TMP (global register used during some recursive operations) With the exception of the random access area (see below), the following data is not directly addressable by runtime code, so interpreters are free to work with a different internal representation at runtime. Special-purpose registers: LONG INST Instruction pointer LONG CONT Continuation pointer WORD TOP Main heap top WORD ENV Env frame pointer WORD CHO Choice frame pointer WORD SIM Simple cut or null WORD AUX Aux stack pointer WORD TRL Trail stack pointer WORD STA Stoppable aux pointer WORD STC Stoppable choice pointer BYTE CWL Collect-words level BYTE SPC Whitespace state Values for SPC: 0 auto 1 nospace 2 pendingspace 3 space 4 line 5 par General-purpose registers: WORD[64] R00-R3f Registers (args, temps, constants, globals) (R3f is IDX) Suggested global register allocation (i.e. used by dialogc): R00..R0c Arguments (with optional just-pointer) R0d..R3c Temporary values R3d Quick temporary register R3e Constant [] (3f00) With a few exceptions, all of the registers (special-purpose and general-purpose) are initialized to zero when the virtual machine starts or restarts. The exceptions are: INST = 1 ENV = HEAD.heapsz CHO = HEAD.heapsz TRL = HEAD.auxsz SIM = 0xffff SPC = line In case of a runtime error, the machine is restarted with R00 initialized to a tagged integer according to the following table: 1: Heap space exhausted 2: Auxiliary heap space exhausted 3: Type error: Expected object 4: Type error: Expected bound value 6: Long-term heap space exhausted 7: Invalid output state. Error code 5 is not used by the Aa-machine. Saved output state: WORD Number of active divs WORD[n] Active divs (class ids), outermost first The main chunk of saved data follows. The game state must conform to this format during restart, save and restore operations (including the big-endian byte ordering). Initialized registers: WORD NOB Number of objects WORD LTB Long-term heap bottom (index into random access area) WORD LTT Long-term heap top (index into random access area) Random access area: This memory is addressable, and it may contain pointers in the form of word offsets into itself. WORD Word offset of global data WORD[NOB] Word offset of per-object data WORD[HEAD.ramsz - NOB - 1] Data The word offset of a data field is given by the following pseudo-code: def field_addr(field, obj): if(obj > NOB) { runtime_error(3) } else { return ram[obj] + field } When reading, non-null non-objects should return zero: def read_field(field, obj): if(obj > NOB) { return 0 } else { return ram[ram[obj] + field] } Heaps: WORD[HEAD.auxsz] Auxiliary heap (aux, trail) WORD[HEAD.heapsz] Main heap (heap, env, choice) Saved games contain a RAM area that matches the layout described here (starting with 'Initialized registers'). The on-disk representation is a run-length encoded xor difference with the contents of the INIT chunk (padded by copies of the 'unused' word, 3f3f). It is possible to track the game state in RAM in the same format at runtime, although it may be more efficient to represent words in the native byte order. -- Long-term storage The long-term storage area is part of the random access area, specifically all the words from LTB (inclusive) to LTT (exclusive). Data in the long-term storage area is organized into chunks: WORD n Size in words of this chunk WORD Pointer to owner reference (index into random access area) WORD[n - 2] Serialized data These chunks can move around at runtime (see psuedo-code for clear_longterm() below). When this happens, pointers are updated in the random access area. Env frame format (from lower to higher heap index): WORD Saved ENV WORD Saved SIM LONG Saved CONT WORD[] Local variables Choice frame format (from lower to higher heap index): WORD Saved ENV WORD Saved SIM LONG Saved CONT LONG Failure handler WORD Saved CHO WORD Saved TOP WORD Saved TRL WORD[] Saved arguments Stop frame format (from lower to higher aux index): WORD Saved STA WORD Saved STC Savefile ======== Saved games are stored in an IFF format, with form identifier "AASV" and the following chunks. HEAD must be the first chunk inside the form. HEAD Story file header DATA Compressed game state REGS Registers and active divs HEAD: The contents of this chunk must exactly match the HEAD chunk of the story file. DATA: Take the game state (including the full extent of the heaps), then exclusive-or with the contents of the INIT chunk padded with the 'unused' word (0x3f3f). This stream of bytes is run-length encoded in the following way: A non-null byte is represented by itself. A stretch of N (1..256) null-bytes is represented by a null-byte, followed by a byte of value N - 1. REGS: WORD[64] State of the general-purpose registers BYTE[26] State of the special-purpose registers WORD Number of active divs WORD[n] Active divs (class ids), outermost first The game state is stored as part of the SAVE opcode, and the saved value of INST is taken from one of the operands. In addition, interpreters may save during any ongoing GET_INPUT or GET_KEY operation. In that case, the saved INST must point to the GET_INPUT or GET_KEY instruction, so that it will execute again when the game is restored. Interpreters may create additional chunks describing the current output state. These can be in any format, and should probably include the name and version of the interpreter. Unrecognized chunks must be ignored on loading. Story file ========== The story file is in IFF format, with form identifier "AAVM" and the following chunks. HEAD must be the first chunk inside the form. In the following table, '*' marks the chunks that participate in the story checksum. HEAD File header CODE * Bytecode instructions DICT * Game dictionary FILE Embedded resource file (may appear more than once) INIT * Initial game state, also needed for save/restore LANG * Character set, bitstream decoder, word endings LOOK * Style sheet MAPS * Word-to-object maps META (optional) Story metadata TAGS (optional) Internal object names URLS Table of resources WRIT * Compressed text An interpreter may regard the entire story file as being mapped into a single, contiguous read-only address space, and add the corresponding file offset to addresses within the chunks. Or it could regard each chunk as a separate address space. HEAD: BYTE[2] version File format version (major, minor) BYTE wordsz Word size (currently always 2) BYTE shift Shift amount for short/long string pointers BYTE[2] release Story release number BYTE[6] serial Story serial number BYTE[4] crc Running CRC-32 of the contents of LOOK, LANG, MAPS, DICT, INIT, CODE, and WRIT, in that specific order WORD heapsz Size (in words) of heap/env/choice area WORD auxsz Size (in words) of aux/trail area WORD ramsz Size (in words) of random access area (including long-term heap) BYTE[46] ifid (optional) "UUID://...//" + null-byte INIT: This chunk corresponds to the format of the game state detailed above, starting with the 'Initialized registers'. Words are stored in big-endian byte order. The chunk can be smaller than the RAM area. Remaining words are assumed to be filled with the 'unused' value (0x3f3f). LANG: BYTE[2] Offset in chunk of bitstream decoding table BYTE[2] Offset in chunk of extended character table BYTE[2] Offset in chunk of word endings decoder BYTE[2] Offset in chunk of special characters Bitstream decoding table: BYTE[][2] Up to 128 2-byte entries. Entry 0 is the root. Each entry: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy If the bit was 0, perform x, otherwise perform y. An individual byte in the table is decoded as follows: 00..5e, 60..7f Character 0x20 + x 5f Escape code (see below) 80 End of string 81..ff Go to table entry x - 0x80 Escape code handling for story-file version 0.3 or earlier: * Read 7 bits, msb first, from the stream. Call this X. * Produce character 0x80 + X. Note that X must be greater than or equal to 0x20. Escape code handling for story-file version 0.4 or later: * Let B = max(0, n_ext - 32) where n_ext is the number of extended characters, as defined in the LANG chunk. * Let K = ceil(2log(B + n_dict)) where n_dict is the number of dictionary words, as defined in the DICT chunk. * Read K bits, msb first, from the stream. Call this X. * If X < B, produce character 0xa0 + X. * Otherwise, produce a space character (0x20) followed by dictionary word X - B. Extended character table: BYTE Number of extended characters { BYTE Corresponding lowercase character (can be the same) BYTE Corresponding uppercase character (can be the same) BYTE[3] Unicode codepoint } Word endings decoder (an array of instruction bytes) 00 Fail 01 Check xx yy Shift xx, jump yy Fail: The word is not valid. Shift all letters and create an unrecognized word. Check: If the word is in the dictionary, succeed (with the current ending). Shift xx, jump yy: If the last character is xx, then move it to the ending and resume execution at byte offset yy in the decoder. Special characters BYTE[] Stop characters: A null-terminated set of characters that will be treated as separate words when parsing player input. The following fields are present if the story-file version is 0.4 or more. BYTE[] Null-terminated subset of stop characters that will inhibit whitespace before them, such as ".". [spec 0.4] BYTE[] Null-terminated subset of stop characters that will inhibit whitespace after them, such as "(". [spec 0.4] DICT: WORD Number of dictionary words { BYTE Length (2..255) BYTE[2] Start of characters (offset in chunk) } Strings of characters referenced by the dictionary. Can overlap each other. MAPS: BYTE[2] Number of word-to-object maps { BYTE[2] Offset in chunk of word-to-object map } Each word-to-object map: BYTE[2] Number of entries (sorted by index value) { WORD Index value (dictionary word) WORD Single object id + 0xe000, offset in chunk of payload, or null (for wildcard words such as 'the') } Payload data: 00 End 01..df Short object id (0001..00df) e0..ff xx Long object id (0001..1fff) LOOK: BYTE[2] Number of style classes { BYTE[2] Offset in chunk of style definition } Each style definition consists of zero or more null-terminated CSS key-value pairs without the final semicolon, e.g. "width: 100%". The original case from the Dialog source code is preserved, so interpreters must perform case-insensitive comparison. Leading whitespace has been removed from the entries. A blank entry (just the terminating null-byte) marks the end. TAGS: (optional) WORD Number of named objects { BYTE[2] Offset in chunk of null-terminated object name } Strings of characters for the object names. META: (optional) BYTE Number of entries { BYTE Identifier BYTE[] Null-terminated string (variable length) } Identifiers: 01 Story title 02 Story author 03 Story noun 04 Story blurb (double linefeed is a paragraph break) 05 Release date in YYYY-MM-DD format 06 Compiler version string WRIT: A byte-addressable read-only chunk containing packed bitstreams. Streams always begin on a byte boundary. Bits are packed into bytes starting with the MSB. Extra null-bytes can be inserted to make better use of packed addressing modes. URLS: BYTE[2] Number of resources { BYTE[2] Offset in chunk of descriptor } Each descriptor is: BYTE[3] String pointer to alt-text (shift according to header) followed by a null-terminated URL, followed by a null-terminated option string. The option string is currently always empty. It is up to the interpreter to decide how to embed (or link to) a resource. The filename ending can be significant, in addition to the file contents. The URL scheme "file" refers to data inside FILE chunks, e.g. "file:title.png". FILE: A null-terminated filename, e.g. "title.png", immediately followed by the file contents. CODE: A byte-addressable read-only chunk, up to 8 MB in size, containing bytecode instructions. Address 0 must always contain the FAIL instruction. Interpreters may thus intercept branches to address 0 and trigger a failure condition immediately, which may be faster. Address 1 is the program/error entry point. The error code is passed as a tagged integer in register R00. For regular program entry, R00 is null. An opcode is always one byte, and it determines the number and format of subsequent operands. The MSB of the opcode often distinguishes between two variants of the same operation. This gives interpreter authors a choice between dispatching on the entire byte (256 table entries), or dispatching on the lower seven bits (128 table entries), and then branching on the MSB at a later stage while processing the instruction. Operand types (always big-endian byte ordering): BYTE: (e.g. number of slots to allocate, small constants, ...) xxxxxxxx VBYTE: (raw constant value, displayed as value in disassembly) xxxxxxxx WORD: (raw constant value, line number, ...) xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (depending on word size, which is currently always 2) VALUE: 0xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Constant 0000-7fff 10xxxxxx Value of register 00..3f 11xxxxxx Value of env slot 00..3f DEST: 00xxxxxx Store into register 00..3f 01xxxxxx Store into env slot 00..3f 10xxxxxx Unify with register 00..3f 11xxxxxx Unify with env slot 00..3f INDEX: 0xxxxxxx Index 00..7f 10xxxxxx Index 11xxxxxx xxxxxxxx Index 0000..3fff CODE: 00000000 Absolute address 0 (known to contain the FAIL opcode) 00xxxxxx Close relative pointer (+ 1..3f bytes) 01xxxxxx xxxxxxxx Relative pointer (+/- 8 kB), relative to end of operand 1xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Absolute pointer (full 8 MB range) STRING: 0xxxxxxx Tiny pointer (shift by 1, i.e. reaches 256 bytes) 10xxxxxx xxxxxxxx Short pointer (shift according to header) 11xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Long pointer (shift according to header) Decoding of a CODE operand can sometimes can be postponed until after the execute stage, when it may be possible to decode straight into INST or skip the operand altogether. The instructions (semantics below): 0x Execution flow 1x Live data manipulation, stoppable environments 2x Random access data manipulation 3x Conditional branches 4x Conditional branches (negated) 5x Arithmetic 6x Output 7x Input, system control, miscellaneous Opcode Mnemonic Args 00 NOP 01 FAIL 02 SET_CONT CODE 03 PROCEED 04 JMP CODE 05 JMP_MULTI CODE 85 JMPL_MULTI CODE 06 JMP_SIMPLE CODE 86 JMPL_SIMPLE CODE 07 JMP_TAIL CODE 87 TAIL 08/88 PUSH_ENV BYTE/0 09 POP_ENV 89 POP_ENV_PROCEED 0a/8a PUSH_CHOICE BYTE/0 CODE 0b/8b POP_CHOICE BYTE/0 0c/8c POP_PUSH_CHOICE BYTE/0 CODE 0d CUT_CHOICE 0e GET_CHO DEST 0f SET_CHO VALUE 10 ASSIGN VALUE DEST 90 ASSIGN VBYTE DEST [spec 0.4] 11 MAKE_VAR DEST 12 MAKE_PAIR DEST DEST DEST 13/93 MAKE_PAIR WORD/VBYTE DEST DEST 14 AUX_PUSH_VAL VALUE 94 AUX_PUSH_RAW 0 [spec 0.5] 15/95 AUX_PUSH_RAW WORD/VBYTE 16 AUX_POP_VAL DEST [deprecated] 17 AUX_POP_LIST DEST 18 AUX_POP_LIST_CHK VALUE 19 AUX_POP_LIST_MATCH VALUE 1b SPLIT_LIST VALUE VALUE DEST 1c STOP 1d PUSH_STOP CODE 1e POP_STOP 1f SPLIT_WORD VALUE DEST [spec 0.4] 9f JOIN_WORDS VALUE DEST [spec 0.4] 20/a0 LOAD_WORD VALUE/0 INDEX DEST 21/a1 LOAD_BYTE VALUE/0 INDEX DEST 22/a2 LOAD_VAL VALUE/0 INDEX DEST 24/a4 STORE_WORD VALUE/0 INDEX VALUE 25/a5 STORE_BYTE VALUE/0 INDEX VALUE 26/a6 STORE_VAL VALUE/0 INDEX VALUE 28/a8 SET_FLAG VALUE/0 INDEX 29/a9 RESET_FLAG VALUE/0 INDEX 2d/ad UNLINK VALUE/0 INDEX INDEX VALUE 2e/ae SET_PARENT VALUE/VBYTE VALUE 2f/af SET_PARENT VALUE/VBYTE VBYTE 30/b0 IF_RAW_EQ WORD/0 VALUE CODE 31 IF_BOUND VALUE CODE 32 IF_EMPTY VALUE CODE 33 IF_NUM VALUE CODE 34 IF_PAIR VALUE CODE 35 IF_OBJ VALUE CODE 36 IF_WORD VALUE CODE b6 IF_UWORD VALUE CODE [spec 0.4] 37 IF_UNIFY VALUE VALUE CODE 38 IF_GT VALUE VALUE CODE 39/b9 IF_EQ WORD/VBYTE VALUE CODE 3a/ba IF_MEM_EQ VALUE/0 INDEX VALUE CODE 3b/bb IF_FLAG VALUE/0 INDEX CODE 3c IF_CWL CODE 3d/bd IF_MEM_EQ VALUE/0 INDEX VBYTE CODE [spec 0.4] 40/c0 IFN_RAW_EQ WORD/0 VALUE CODE 41 IFN_BOUND VALUE CODE 42 IFN_EMPTY VALUE CODE 43 IFN_NUM VALUE CODE 44 IFN_PAIR VALUE CODE 45 IFN_OBJ VALUE CODE 46 IFN_WORD VALUE CODE c6 IFN_UWORD VALUE CODE [spec 0.4] 47 IFN_UNIFY VALUE VALUE CODE 48 IFN_GT VALUE VALUE CODE 49/c9 IFN_EQ WORD/VBYTE VALUE CODE 4a/ca IFN_MEM_EQ VALUE/0 INDEX VALUE CODE 4b/cb IFN_FLAG VALUE/0 INDEX CODE 4c IFN_CWL CODE 4d/cd IFN_MEM_EQ VALUE/0 INDEX VBYTE CODE [spec 0.4] 50 ADD_RAW VALUE VALUE DEST d0 INC_RAW VALUE DEST 51 SUB_RAW VALUE VALUE DEST d1 DEC_RAW VALUE DEST 52 RAND_RAW BYTE DEST 58 ADD_NUM VALUE VALUE DEST d8 INC_NUM VALUE DEST 59 SUB_NUM VALUE VALUE DEST d9 DEC_NUM VALUE DEST 5a RAND_NUM VALUE VALUE DEST 5b MUL_NUM VALUE VALUE DEST 5c DIV_NUM VALUE VALUE DEST 5d MOD_NUM VALUE VALUE DEST 60 PRINT_A_STR_A STRING e0 PRINT_N_STR_A STRING 61 PRINT_A_STR_N STRING e1 PRINT_N_STR_N STRING 62 NOSPACE e2 SPACE 63 LINE e3 PAR 64 SPACE_N VALUE 65 PRINT_VAL VALUE 66 ENTER_DIV INDEX e6 LEAVE_DIV 67 ENTER_STATUS 0 INDEX e7 LEAVE_STATUS 68 ENTER_LINK_RES VALUE [spec 0.2] e8 LEAVE_LINK_RES [spec 0.2] 69 ENTER_LINK VALUE e9 LEAVE_LINK 6a ENTER_SELF_LINK [spec 0.4] ea LEAVE_SELF_LINK [spec 0.4] 6b SET_STYLE BYTE eb RESET_STYLE BYTE 6c EMBED_RES VALUE [spec 0.2] ec CAN_EMBED_RES VALUE DEST [spec 0.2] 6d PROGRESS VALUE VALUE 6e ENTER_SPAN VALUE [spec 0.4] ee LEAVE_SPAN [spec 0.4] 6f ENTER_STATUS BYTE INDEX [spec 0.5] 00 normal (top) status area 01 inline status area 70 EXT0 BYTE 00 QUIT 01 RESTART 02 RESTORE 03 UNDO 04 UNSTYLE 05 PRINT_SERIAL 06 CLEAR 07 CLEAR_ALL 08 SCRIPT_ON 09 SCRIPT_OFF 0a TRACE_ON 0b TRACE_OFF 0c INC_CWL 0d DEC_CWL 0e UPPERCASE 0f CLEAR_LINKS [spec 0.4] 10 CLEAR_OLD [spec 0.5] 11 CLEAR_DIV [spec 0.5] 72 SAVE CODE f2 SAVE_UNDO CODE 73 GET_INPUT DEST f3 GET_KEY DEST 74 VM_INFO BYTE DEST These return tagged numeric values: 00 peak heap 01 peak aux 02 peak longterm These return raw 0/1 values and default to 0: 40 interpreter supports undo 41 interpreter supports save/restore 42 interpreter supports hyperlinks 43 interpreter supports quit 60 interpreter supports top status [spec 0.5] 61 interpreter supports inline status [spec 0.5] 78 SET_IDX VALUE 79/f9 CHECK_EQ WORD/VBYTE CODE 7a/fa CHECK_GT_EQ WORD/VBYTE CODE CODE 7b/fb CHECK_GT VALUE/BYTE CODE 7c CHECK_WORDMAP INDEX CODE 7d CHECK_EQ_2 WORD WORD CODE [spec 0.4] fd CHECK_EQ_2 VBYTE VBYTE CODE [spec 0.4] 7f TRACEPOINT STRING STRING STRING WORD Output model ============ In this and the following chapter, we will assume that an Aa-machine interpreter contains a virtual machine "engine" that decodes and executes opcodes, and a device-specific output subsystem coupled to the engine. The present chapter describes this coupling, as an API, while the next chapter provides pseudo-code for the engine. Output flows from the Aa-machine into a set of areas: The main area and one or more status areas. Interpreters may freely ignore all or a subset of the status areas, which is handy when the output device is e.g. a screen reader or a dumb terminal. The interpreter engine selects a target area with the API calls: output_enterstatus(area, style_class) output_leavestatus() The former call takes a parameter indicating the desired status area (see ENTER_STATUS above for a list of supported values), and another indicating the desired style class for the status area (see the LOOK chunk). Each time a status area is entered, it is also implicitly cleared. Within each area, output is organized as a stream of characters, linefeeds, and paragraph breaks. This stream is further subdivided into nested elements called divs and spans. A div has implicit linefeeds at its beginning and end. A link is a special kind of span. The engine transmits this output stream using a series of API calls: output_string(string) output_char(charcode) output_space() output_space_n(number) output_newline() output_endpar() output_uppercase() // convert next character to uppercase output_enterdiv(style_class) output_leavediv(style_class) output_enterspan(style_class) output_leavespan() output_enter_selflink() output_leave_selflink() output_enterlink(string) output_leavelink() output_enterlink_res(resource_id) output_leavelink_res() output_embed_res(resource_id) output_progress_bar(amount, full_amount) In addition, it is possible to insert changes of text-style into the stream, to e.g. turn italics on or off. Such changes are valid until the next beginning or end of a subdivision, or until the end of the current paragraph. output_setstyle(bits) // see SET_STYLE for bit values output_resetstyle(bits) output_unstyle() Additional API calls perform high-level operations on the output state: output_clear() // keep current stack of divs, but clear them output_clear_all() // as above, and hide the status areas output_clear_links() // transform old links into static text output_clear_div() // clear current div output_clear_old() // clear old text output_leave_all() output_sync() bool output_script_on() // returns true to indicate success output_script_off() bool output_can_embed_res(resource_id) // can it be embedded? The exact meaning of each of the above API calls is not specified here. It is up to the output subsystem of the interpreter to react to them in some sensible way. Paragraph breaks can legally appear inside spans, but the output subsystem may choose to ignore them. The engine must ensure that the following rules are followed: * All calls to the enter- and leave-functions are perfectly balanced, with one exception: It is possible to call output_leave_all() at any point to return to the initial state (i.e. to clear the stack of spans and divs and leave any status area). * A div will not be nested inside a span (but a span may be nested inside a div or a span, and a div may be nested inside a div). * A link will not be nested inside another link (at any level). * No attempt will be made to enter a status area from inside a span or a status area. * No attempt will be made to clear or clear_all from inside a span or a status area. * No attempt will be made to save the game (to a file or an undo buffer) from within a span or a status area. The storyfile (and by extension the compiler) is responsible for balancing each enter-call with a matching leave-call. Depending on the story authoring language, this may include cutting choice points to ensure return-once semantics, and setting up temporary stop-frames to catch non-local returns from inner code. If the storyfile attempts to enter a link from within a link, the inner link will behave like static text (forming a part of the outer link). For the remaining restrictions, the engine will detect violations and throw a runtime error (invalid output state). Details are provided in the next chapter. All runtime errors involve a call to output_leave_all(). In order to detect such violations (and to provide the correct argument to output_leavediv), the engine tracks output state using four global variables (in addition to SPC and CWL): nSpan integer, initially 0 nLink integer, initially 0 inStatus boolean, initially false divList list/array of style classes, initially empty Of these, only divList is stored as part of a saved game (see REGS chunk). Interpreters may impose a limit on the size of divList, but it must have room for at least eight items. All runtime errors invoke output_leave_all(), reset nSpan, nLink, inStatus, and divList to their initial values, and restart the virtual machine. Interpreters that do not support clickable links at all should treat them as static text. Such interpreters do not need the nLink variable. Opcode semantics ================ There could be errors. Recommendation is to double-check with the javascript interpreter. NOP Do nothing FAIL fail def fail: INST = (heap[CHO + 4] << 16) | heap[CHO + 5] leave recursive unify/push/pop/(de)serialize operation SET_CONT CODE CONT = arg PROCEED if(SIM < 0x8000) CHO = SIM INST = CONT JMP CODE INST = arg JMP_MULTI CODE SIM = 0xffff INST = arg JMPL_MULTI CODE CONT = next_instruction SIM = 0xffff INST = arg JMP_SIMPLE CODE SIM = CHO INST = arg JMPL_SIMPLE CODE CONT = next_instruction SIM = CHO INST = arg JMP_TAIL CODE if(SIM >= 0x8000) SIM = CHO INST = arg TAIL if(SIM >= 0x8000) SIM = CHO PUSH_ENV BYTE/0 local variable addr = min(ENV, CHO) - 4 - arg if(addr < TOP) runtime_error(1) heap[addr + 0] = ENV heap[addr + 1] = SIM heap[addr + 2] = CONT >> 16 heap[addr + 3] = CONT & 0xffff ENV = addr POP_ENV CONT = (heap[ENV + 2] << 16) | heap[ENV + 3] SIM = heap[ENV + 1] ENV = heap[ENV + 0] POP_ENV_PROCEED INST = (heap[ENV + 2] << 16) | heap[ENV + 3] if(heap[ENV + 1] < 0x8000) CHO = heap[ENV + 1] ENV = heap[ENV + 0] PUSH_CHOICE BYTE/0 CODE push_choice(arg1, arg2) def push_choice(narg, next): local variable addr = min(ENV, CHO) - 9 - narg if(addr < TOP) runtime_error(1) heap[addr + 0] = ENV heap[addr + 1] = SIM heap[addr + 2] = CONT >> 16 heap[addr + 3] = CONT & 0xffff heap[addr + 4] = next >> 16 heap[addr + 5] = next & 0xffff heap[addr + 6] = CHO heap[addr + 7] = TOP heap[addr + 8] = TRL for(local variable i = 0; i < narg; i++) { heap[addr + 9 + i] = R[i] // register R00.. } CHO = addr POP_CHOICE BYTE/0 for(local variable i = 0; i < arg; i++) { R[i] = heap[CHO + 9 + i] } while(TRL < heap[CHO + 8]) { heap[aux[TRL++]] = 0 } TOP = heap[CHO + 7] CONT = (heap[CHO + 2] << 16) | heap[CHO + 3] SIM = heap[CHO + 1] ENV = heap[CHO + 0] CHO = heap[CHO + 6] POP_PUSH_CHOICE BYTE/0 CODE heap[CHO + 4] = arg2 >> 16 heap[CHO + 5] = arg2 & 0xffff for(local variable i = 0; i < arg1; i++) { R[i] = heap[CHO + 9 + i] } while(TRL < heap[CHO + 8]) { heap[aux[TRL++]] = 0 } TOP = heap[CHO + 7] CONT = (heap[CHO + 2] << 16) | heap[CHO + 3] SIM = heap[CHO + 1] ENV = heap[CHO + 0] CUT_CHOICE CHO = heap[CHO + 6] GET_CHO DEST arg <- CHO SET_CHO VALUE CHO = arg ASSIGN VALUE/VBYTE DEST arg2 <- arg1 def unify(a, b): while(true) { a = deref(a) b = deref(b) if(a.tag == reference && b.tag == reference) { if(TRL <= AUX) runtime_error(2) if(a.value < b.value) { aux[--TRL] = b.value heap[b.value] = a } else { aux[--TRL] = a.value heap[a.value] = b } break } else if(a.tag == reference) { if(TRL <= AUX) runtime_error(2) aux[--TRL] = a.value heap[a.value] = b break } else if(b.tag == reference) { if(TRL <= AUX) runtime_error(2) aux[--TRL] = b.value heap[b.value] = a break } else if(a.tag == extdict && b.tag == extdict) { a = heap[a.value] b = heap[b.value] } else if(a.tag == extdict) { a = heap[a.value] } else if(b.tag == extdict) { b = heap[b.value] } else if(a == b) { break } else if(a.tag == pair && b.tag == pair) { unify( , ) a = b = } else { fail } } def deref(a): while(a.tag == reference && heap[a.value] != 0) { a = heap[a.value] } return a def runtime_error(error_code): R00 = error_code reinitialize special-purpose registers leave recursive unify/push/pop/(de)serialize operation MAKE_VAR DEST local variable addr = TOP++ if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) runtime_error(1) heap[addr] = 0 arg <- MAKE_PAIR WORD/VBYTE/DEST DEST DEST if(arg3 is a store variant) { local variable addr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) runtime_error(1) if(arg1 is a store variant) { heap[addr + 0] = 0 arg1 <- } else { heap[addr + 0] = arg1 } if(arg2 is a store variant) { heap[addr + 1] = 0 arg2 <- } else { heap[addr + 1] = arg2 } arg3 <- } else { local variable a3 = deref(arg3) if(a3.tag == reference) { local variable addr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) runtime_error(1) if(arg1 is a store variant) { heap[addr + 0] = 0 arg1 <- } else { heap[addr + 0] = arg1 } if(arg2 is a store variant) { heap[addr + 1] = 0 arg2 <- } else { heap[addr + 1] = arg2 } unify(a3, ) } else if(a3.tag == pair) { arg1 <- arg2 <- } else { fail } } AUX_PUSH_VAL VALUE push_serialized(arg) def push_serialized(v): v = deref(v) if(v.tag == pair) { local variable count = 0 while(true) { push_serialized() count++ v = deref() if(v == empty_list) { v = 0xc000 + count break } else if(v.tag != pair) { push_serialized(v) v = 0xe000 + count break } } } else if(v.tag == extdict) { push_serialized(heap[v.value + 1]) push_serialized(heap[v.value + 0]) v = 0x8100 } else if(v.tag == reference) { v = 0x8000 } if(AUX >= TRL) runtime_error(2) aux[AUX++] = v AUX_PUSH_RAW WORD/VBYTE/0 if(AUX >= TRL) runtime_error(2) aux[AUX++] = arg AUX_POP_VAL DEST Note: This instruction is deprecated. No version of the dialog compiler generates it. The pop_serialized subroutine is nevertheless used by AUX_POP_LIST. arg <- pop_serialized() def pop_serialized: local variable v = aux[--AUX] if(v == 0x8000) { local variable addr = TOP++ if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) runtime_error(1) heap[addr] = 0 v = } else if(v == 0x8100) { local variable addr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) runtime_error(1) heap[addr + 0] = pop_serialized() heap[addr + 1] = pop_serialized() v = } else if((v & 0xc000) == 0xc000) { local variable count = v & 0x1fff if(v & 0x2000) { v = pop_serialized() } else { v = empty_list } while(count--) { local variable addr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) runtime_error(1) heap[addr + 0] = pop_serialized() heap[addr + 1] = v v = } } return v AUX_POP_LIST DEST arg <- pop_serialized_list() def pop_serialized_list(): local variable list = empty_list while(local variable v = pop_serialized()) { local variable addr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) runtime_error(1) heap[addr + 0] = v heap[addr + 1] = list list = } return list AUX_POP_LIST_CHK VALUE local variable flag = 0 local variable key = deref(arg) while(local variable v = aux[--AUX]) { if(v == key) { flag = 1 } } if(!flag) { fail } AUX_POP_LIST_MATCH VALUE local variable old_top = TOP local variable key = deref(arg) local variable list = pop_serialized_list() // no need to deref the elements inside list while(key.tag == pair) { local variable iter = list local variable match = 0 while(iter.tag == pair && !match) { if(would_unify( , )) { match = 1 } iter = heap[iter.value + 1] } if(!match) { fail } key = heap[key.value + 1] } TOP = old_top // return the heap memory that we used SPLIT_LIST VALUE VALUE DEST arg3 <- split_list(arg1, arg2) def split_list(list, end): list = deref(list) end = deref(end) if(list == end || list.tag != pair) { return empty_list } else { local variable first, curr first = curr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) runtime_error(1) while(true) { heap[curr + 0] = heap[list.value + 0] list = deref(heap[list.value + 1]) if(list == end || list.tag != pair) { break } else { heap[curr + 1] = curr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) { runtime_error(1) } } } heap[curr + 1] = empty_list return } STOP CHO = STC fail PUSH_STOP CODE if(AUX + 2 > TRL) runtime_error(2) aux[AUX++] = STC aux[AUX++] = STA STA = AUX push_choice(0, arg) STC = CHO POP_STOP AUX = STA STA = aux[--AUX] STC = aux[--AUX] SPLIT_WORD VALUE DEST arg1 = deref(arg1) if(arg1.tag == char) { arg2 <- create_pair(arg1, empty_list) } else if(arg1.tag == word) { arg2 <- prepend_chars(arg1, empty_list) } else if(arg1.tag == extdict) { local variable part1 = heap[arg1.value + 0] if(part1.tag == pair) { arg2 <- part1 } else { local variable part2 = heap[arg1.value + 1] arg2 <- prepend_chars(part1, part2) } } else if(arg1.tag == number) { local variable i = arg1.value local variable list = empty_list do { list = create_pair(, list) i /= 10 } while(i) arg2 <- list } else { fail } def prepend_chars(word, list): local variable str = word_to_string(word) local variable i for(i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { list = create_pair(, list) } return list JOIN_WORDS VALUE DEST arg1 = deref(arg1) if(arg1.tag != pair) { fail } local variable v1 = deref(heap[arg1.value + 0]) local variable v2 = deref(heap[arg1.value + 1]) if(v1.tag == char && v2 == empty_list) { // Allow e.g. stop characters on their own. arg2 <- v1 } else { arg2 <- parse_word(wordlist_to_string(arg1)) } def wordlist_to_string(list): // The string buffer "str" may have a limited size, // but should be at least as large as the input buffer // used during GET_INPUT. // If the buffer space is exhausted, the instruction // fails. local variable str = "" do { local variable v = deref(heap[list.value + 0]) if(v.tag == char) { local variable ch = v.value // Stop characters are defined // in the LANG chunk. if(ch <= 0x20 || ch is a stop character) { fail } str += ch } else if(v.tag == word) { str += dictionary[v.value] } else if(v.tag == extdict) { local variable part1 = heap[v.value + 0] if(part1.tag == pair) { str += wordlist_to_string(part1) } else { // Reinterpret the extdict cell // as a list node: str += wordlist_to_string(v) } } else if(v.tag == number) { str += number_to_decimal_string(v.value) } else { fail } list = deref(heap[list.value + 1]) } while(list.tag == pair) if(list != empty_list) { fail } return str LOAD_WORD VALUE/0 INDEX DEST arg3 <- read_field(arg2, deref(arg1)) LOAD_BYTE VALUE/0 INDEX DEST arg3 <- (read_field(arg2 / 2, deref(arg1)) >> ((arg2 & 1)? 0 : 8)) & 0xff LOAD_VAL VALUE/0 INDEX DEST local variable val = get_longterm(read_field(arg2, deref(arg1))) if(!val) { fail } arg3 <- val def get_longterm(v): if(v & 0x8000) { TMP = v & 0x7fff TMP += ram[TMP] v = pop_longterm() } return v def pop_longterm(): local variable v = ram[--TMP] if(v == 0x8000) { local variable addr = TOP TOP++ if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) runtime_error(1) heap[addr] = 0 v = } else if(v == 0x8100) { local variable addr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) runtime_error(1) heap[addr + 0] = pop_longterm() heap[addr + 1] = pop_longterm() v = } else if((v & 0xc000) == 0xc000) { local variable count = v & 0x1fff if(v & 0x2000) { v = pop_longterm() } else { v = empty_list } while(count--) { local variable addr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) runtime_error(1) heap[addr + 0] = pop_longterm() heap[addr + 1] = v v = } } return v STORE_WORD VALUE/0 INDEX VALUE ram[field_addr(arg2, deref(arg1))] = arg3 STORE_BYTE VALUE/0 INDEX VALUE local variable addr = field_addr(arg2 / 2, deref(arg1)) if(arg2 & 1) { ram[addr] = (ram[addr] & 0xff00) | (arg3 & 0xff) } else { ram[addr] = (ram[addr] & 0x00ff) | (arg3 << 8) } STORE_VAL VALUE/0 INDEX VALUE arg1 = deref(arg1) if(arg1 == null || arg1.tag == object || arg3 != null) { store_longterm(field_addr(arg2, arg1), arg3) } def store_longterm(addr, v): clear_longterm(addr) v = deref(v) if(v.tag == pair || v.tag == extdict || v.tag == reference) { TMP = LTT + 2 if(TMP > HEAD.ramsz) runtime_error(6) push_longterm(v) ram[addr] = 0x8000 + LTT ram[LTT + 0] = TMP - LTT ram[LTT + 1] = addr LTT = TMP } else { ram[addr] = v } def push_longterm(v): v = deref(v) if(v.tag == pair) { local variable count = 0 while(true) { push_longterm(heap[v.value + 0]) count++ v = deref(heap[v.value + 1]) if(v == empty_list) { v = 0xc000 | count break } else if(v.tag != pair) { push_longterm(v) v = 0xe000 | count break } } } else if(v.tag == extdict) { push_longterm(heap[v.value + 1]) push_longterm(heap[v.value + 0]) v = 0x8100 } else if(v.tag == reference) { runtime_error(4) } if(TMP > HEAD.ramsz) runtime_error(6) ram[TMP++] = v def clear_longterm(addr): local variable v = ram[addr] if(v & 0x8000) { ram[addr] = 0 v &= 0x7fff local variable size = ram[v] for(local variable i = v; i < LTT - size; i++) { ram[i] = ram[i + size] } LTT -= size while(v < LTT) { ram[ram[v + 1]] -= size v += ram[v] } } SET_FLAG VALUE/0 INDEX ram[field_addr(arg2 / BITS_PER_WORD, deref(arg1))] |= (1 << (BITS_PER_WORD - 1)) >> (arg2 % BITS_PER_WORD) RESET_FLAG VALUE/0 INDEX arg1 = deref(arg1) if(arg1 == null || arg1.tag == object) { ram[field_addr(arg2 / BITS_PER_WORD, arg1)] &= ~((1 << (BITS_PER_WORD - 1)) >> (arg2 % BITS_PER_WORD)) } UNLINK VALUE/0 INDEX INDEX VALUE unlink(field_addr(arg2, deref(arg1)), arg3, arg4) def unlink(root_addr, field, key): key = deref(key) if(key.tag != object) { return } local variable tail = ram[field_addr(field, key.value)] local variable addr = root_addr while(ram[addr] != 0) { if(ram[addr] == key) { ram[addr] = tail return } addr = field_addr(field, ram[addr].value) } SET_PARENT VBYTE/VALUE VBYTE/VALUE constant FIELD_PARENT = 0 constant FIELD_CHILD = 1 constant FIELD_SIBLING = 2 arg1 = deref(arg1) arg2 = deref(arg2) if(arg2 != null) { if(arg1.tag != object) runtime_error(3) if(arg2.tag != object) runtime_error(3) } if(arg1.tag == object) { local variable old_parent = ram[field_addr(FIELD_PARENT, arg1.value)] if(old_parent != 0) { unlink( field_addr(FIELD_CHILD, old_parent), FIELD_SIBLING, arg1) } ram[field_addr(FIELD_PARENT, arg1.value)] = arg2 if(arg2.tag == object) { ram[field_addr(FIELD_SIBLING, arg1.value)] = ram[field_addr(FIELD_CHILD, arg2.value)] ram[field_addr(FIELD_CHILD, arg2.value)] = arg1 } } IF_RAW_EQ WORD/0 VALUE CODE if(arg1 == arg2) INST = arg3 IFN_RAW_EQ WORD/0 VALUE CODE if(arg1 != arg2) INST = arg3 IF_BOUND VALUE CODE if(deref(arg1).tag != reference) INST = arg2 IFN_BOUND VALUE CODE if(deref(arg1).tag == reference) INST = arg2 IF_EMPTY VALUE CODE if(deref(arg1) == empty_list) INST = arg2 IFN_EMPTY VALUE CODE if(deref(arg1) != empty_list) INST = arg2 IF_NUM VALUE CODE if(deref(arg1).tag == number) INST = arg2 IFN_NUM VALUE CODE if(deref(arg1).tag != number) INST = arg2 IF_PAIR VALUE CODE if(deref(arg1).tag == pair) INST = arg2 IFN_PAIR VALUE CODE if(deref(arg1).tag != pair) INST = arg2 IF_OBJ VALUE CODE // arg1 is guaranteed not to be null if(deref(arg1).tag == object) INST = arg2 IFN_OBJ VALUE CODE // arg1 is guaranteed not to be null if(deref(arg1).tag != object) INST = arg2 IF_WORD VALUE CODE if(deref(arg1).tag == word || deref(arg1).tag == char || deref(arg1).tag == extdict) INST = arg2 IFN_WORD VALUE CODE if(deref(arg1).tag != word && deref(arg1).tag != char && deref(arg1).tag != extdict) INST = arg2 IF_UWORD VALUE CODE arg1 = deref(arg1) if(arg1.tag == extdict && heap[arg1.value + 0].tag == pair) { INST = arg2 } IFN_UWORD VALUE CODE arg1 = deref(arg1) if(arg1.tag != extdict || heap[arg1.value + 0].tag != pair) { INST = arg2 } IF_UNIFY VALUE VALUE CODE if(would_unify(arg1, arg2)) INST = arg3 def would_unify(a, b): while(true) { a = deref(a) b = deref(b) if(a.tag == reference || b.tag == reference) { return true } else if(a.tag == extdict && b.tag == extdict) { a = heap[a.value + 0] b = heap[b.value + 0] } else if(a.tag == extdict) { a = heap[a.value + 0] } else if(b.tag == extdict) { b = heap[b.value + 0] } else if(a == b) { return true } else if(a.tag == pair && b.tag == pair) { if(!would_unify( , )) { return false } a = b = } else { return false } } IFN_UNIFY VALUE VALUE CODE if(!would_unify(arg1, arg2)) INST = arg3 IF_GT VALUE VALUE CODE arg1 = deref(arg1) arg2 = deref(arg2) if(arg1.tag == number && arg2.tag == number && arg1.value > arg2.value) { INST = arg3 } IFN_GT VALUE VALUE CODE arg1 = deref(arg1) arg2 = deref(arg2) if(!(arg1.tag == number && arg2.tag == number && arg1.value > arg2.value)) { INST = arg3 } IF_EQ WORD/VBYTE VALUE CODE if(arg1 == deref(arg2)) INST = arg3 IFN_EQ WORD/VBYTE VALUE CODE if(arg1 != deref(arg2)) INST = arg3 IF_MEM_EQ VALUE/0 INDEX VALUE/VBYTE CODE if(read_field(arg2, deref(arg1)) == arg3) INST = arg4 IFN_MEM_EQ VALUE/0 INDEX VALUE/VBYTE CODE if(read_field(arg2, deref(arg1)) != arg3) INST = arg4 IF_FLAG VALUE/0 INDEX CODE if(read_field(arg2 / BITS_PER_WORD, deref(arg1)) & ((1 << (BITS_PER_WORD - 1)) >> (arg2 % BITS_PER_WORD))) { INST = arg3 } IFN_FLAG VALUE/0 INDEX CODE if(!(read_field(arg2 / BITS_PER_WORD, deref(arg1)) & ((1 << (BITS_PER_WORD - 1)) >> (arg2 % BITS_PER_WORD)))) { INST = arg3 } IF_CWL CODE if(CWL != 0) INST = arg1 IFN_CWL CODE if(CWL == 0) INST = arg1 ADD_RAW VALUE VALUE DEST arg3 <- (arg1 + arg2) & 0xffff ADD_NUM VALUE VALUE DEST local variable result = unbox_int(arg1) + unbox_int(arg2) arg3 <- box_int(result) def unbox_int(v): v = deref(v) if(v.tag != number) fail return v.value def box_int(v): if(v < 0 || v > 0x3fff) fail return SUB_RAW VALUE VALUE DEST arg3 <- (arg1 - arg2) & 0xffff SUB_NUM VALUE VALUE DEST local variable result = unbox_int(arg1) - unbox_int(arg2) arg3 <- box_int(result) MUL_NUM VALUE VALUE DEST local variable result = unbox_int(arg1) * unbox_int(arg2) result = result & 0x3fff arg3 <- box_int(result) DIV_NUM VALUE VALUE DEST if(unbox_int(arg2) == 0) fail local variable result = unbox_int(arg1) / unbox_int(arg2) arg3 <- box_int(result) MOD_NUM VALUE VALUE DEST if(unbox_int(arg2) == 0) fail local variable result = unbox_int(arg1) % unbox_int(arg2) arg3 <- box_int(result) RAND_NUM VALUE VALUE DEST local variable start = unbox_int(arg1) local variable range = unbox_int(arg2) - start + 1 if(range < 1) fail // any timer-seeded PRNG can be used: local variable result = start + (rand() % range) arg3 <- box_int(result) RAND_RAW BYTE DEST // any timer-seeded PRNG can be used: arg2 <- (rand() % (arg1 + 1)) & 0xffff INC_NUM VALUE DEST local variable result = unbox_int(arg1) + 1 arg2 <- box_int(result) DEC_NUM VALUE DEST local variable result = unbox_int(arg1) - 1 arg2 <- box_int(result) INC_RAW VALUE DEST arg2 <- (arg1 + 1) & 0xffff DEC_RAW VALUE DEST arg2 <- (arg1 - 1) & 0xffff PRINT_A_STR_A STRING if(SPC == auto || SPC == pendingspace) output_space() output_string(arg) SPC = auto PRINT_N_STR_A STRING if(SPC == pendingspace) output_space() output_string(arg) SPC = auto PRINT_A_STR_N STRING if(SPC == auto || SPC == pendingspace) output_space() output_string(arg) SPC = nospace PRINT_N_STR_N STRING if(SPC == pendingspace) output_space() output_string(arg) SPC = nospace NOSPACE if(CWL == 0) { if(SPC < nospace) { SPC = nospace } } SPACE if(CWL == 0) { if(SPC < pendingspace) { SPC = pendingspace } } LINE if(CWL == 0) { if(SPC < line) { output_newline() SPC = line } } PAR if(CWL == 0) { if(SPC < par) { output_endpar() SPC = par } } SPACE_N VALUE if(CWL == 0) { arg = deref(arg) if(arg.tag == number) { output_space_n(arg.value) SPC = space } } PRINT_VAL VALUE if(CWL == 0) { print_value(deref(arg)) } else { push_serialized(deref(arg)) } def print_value(v): if(v.tag == char) { local variable ch = v.value if(ch is listed as no-space-before in LANG chunk) { if(SPC < nospace) { SPC = nospace } } if(SPC == auto || SPC == pendingspace) output_space() output_char(ch) if(ch is listed as no-space-after in LANG chunk) { SPC = nospace } else { SPC = auto } } else { if(SPC == auto || SPC == pendingspace) output_space() if(v.tag == object) { output_string("#") if(TAGS chunk is present) { output_string(get_object_name(v.value)) } } else if(v.tag == number) { output_string(number_to_decimal_string(v.value)) } else if(v.tag == word || v.tag == extdict) { output_string(word_to_string(v)) } else if(v.tag == reference) { output_string("$") } else if(v == empty_list) { output_string("[]") } else if(v.tag == pair) { output_string("[") print_value(deref(heap[v.value + 0])) local variable tail = deref(heap[v.value + 1]) while(tail != empty_list) { if(tail.tag == pair) { SPC = pendingspace print_value(deref(heap[tail.value + 0])) tail = deref(heap[tail.value + 1]) } else { output_space() output_string("|") SPC = pendingspace print_value(tail) tail = empty_list } } output_string("]") } SPC = auto } def word_to_string(v): local variable str = "" if(v.tag == word) { str += dictionary[v.value] } else if(v.tag == extdict) { local variable part1 = heap[v.value + 0] if(part1.tag == pair) { while(part1.tag == pair) { str += char_to_string(heap[part1.value + 0].value) part1 = heap[part1.value + 1] } } else { str += word_to_string(part1) local variable part2 = heap[v.value + 1] while(part2.tag == pair) { str += char_to_string(heap[part2.value + 0].value) part2 = heap[part2.value + 1] } } } return str ENTER_DIV INDEX if(CWL == 0) { if(nSpan > 0) runtime_error(7) output_enterdiv(arg) append arg to divList SPC = par } LEAVE_DIV if(CWL == 0) { local variable style_class = last element of divList remove last element from divList output_leavediv(style_class) SPC = par } ENTER_SPAN INDEX if(CWL == 0) { if(SPC == auto || SPC == pendingspace) output_space() output_enterspan(arg) SPC = nospace nSpan++ } LEAVE_SPAN if(CWL == 0) { output_leavespan() SPC = auto nSpan-- } ENTER_STATUS BYTE INDEX if(inStatus || nSpan > 0) runtime_error(7) if(CWL == 0) { output_enterstatus(arg1, arg2) SPC = par inStatus = true } LEAVE_STATUS if(CWL == 0) { output_leavestatus() SPC = par inStatus = false } ENTER_LINK_RES VALUE if(CWL == 0) { if(nLink == 0) { if(SPC == auto || SPC == pendingspace) output_space() output_enterlink_res(deref(arg)) SPC = nospace } nLink++ nSpan++ } LEAVE_LINK_RES if(CWL == 0) { nSpan-- nLink-- if(nLink == 0) output_leavelink_res() } ENTER_LINK VALUE if(CWL == 0) { if(nLink == 0) { if(SPC == auto || SPC == pendingspace) output_space() local variable input = "" arg = deref(arg) while(arg.tag == pair) { local variable w = deref(heap[arg.value + 0]) if(w.tag == word || w.tag == char || w.tag == extdict || w.tag == number) { * if input is non-empty, then append space to end of input * append text of w to end of input } arg = deref(heap[arg.value + 1]) } output_enterlink(input) SPC = nospace } nLink++ nSpan++ } LEAVE_LINK if(CWL == 0) { nSpan-- nLink-- if(nLink == 0) output_leavelink() } ENTER_SELF_LINK if(CWL == 0) { if(nLink == 0) { if(SPC == auto || SPC == pendingspace) output_space() output_enter_selflink() SPC = space } nLink++ nSpan++ } LEAVE_SELF_LINK if(CWL == 0) { nSpan-- nLink-- if(nLink == 0) output_leave_selflink() } SET_STYLE BYTE // 1 = reverse, 2 = bold, 4 = italic, 8 = fixed if(CWL == 0) { if(SPC == auto || SPC == pendingspace) output_space() output_setstyle(arg) SPC = space } RESET_STYLE BYTE // 1 = reverse, 2 = bold, 4 = italic, 8 = fixed if(CWL == 0) { output_resetstyle(arg) } UNSTYLE if(CWL == 0) { output_unstyle() } PRINT_SERIAL if(CWL == 0) { if(SPC == auto || SPC == pendingspace) output_space() output_string(HEAD.serial) SPC = auto } CLEAR if(CWL == 0) { if(inStatus || nSpan > 0) runtime_error(7) output_clear() } CLEAR_ALL if(CWL == 0) { if(inStatus || nSpan > 0) runtime_error(7) output_clear_all() } EMBED_RES VALUE if(CWL == 0) { output_embed_res(deref(arg1)) } CAN_EMBED_RES VALUE DEST if(output_can_embed_res(deref(arg1))) { arg2 <- 1 // raw, unboxed integer } else { arg2 <- null } PROGRESS VALUE VALUE if(CWL == 0) { arg1 = deref(arg1) arg2 = deref(arg2) if(arg1.tag == number && arg2.tag == number) { output_progress_bar(arg1.value, arg2.value) } } QUIT output_sync() Return or exit the engine. RESTART output_leave_all() inStatus = false nSpan = 0 nLink = 0 divList = empty array/list // May rewrite all game state, including INST. vm_restart() RESTORE if(vm_restore()) { // By now, the game state has changed drastically, // including INST and divList. output_leave_all() inStatus = false nSpan = 0 nLink = 0 for(i = 0; i < divList.length; i++) { output_enterdiv(divList[i]) } } UNDO if(vm_undo()) { // By now, the game state has changed drastically, // including INST and divList. output_leave_all() inStatus = false nSpan = 0 nLink = 0 for(i = 0; i < divList.length; i++) { output_enterdiv(divList[i]) } } SAVE CODE //fails on error/cancel, continues on success, jumps on restore if(inStatus || nSpan > 0) runtime_error(7) if(!vm_save(arg)) { fail } SAVE_UNDO CODE //fails on error/cancel, continues on success, jumps on restore if(inStatus || nSpan > 0) runtime_error(7) if(!vm_save_undo(arg)) { fail } GET_INPUT DEST if(SPC == auto || SPC == pendingspace) output_space() output_sync() arg <- input_get_line() SPC = line The string of characters typed by the player is converted into lowercase, and split into substrings as follows: * Every stop character (as declared in the LANG chunk) becomes a single substring. * Remaining characters are separated by whitespace. Thus, the string "drop ball.north" is split into the substrings "drop", "ball", ".", and "north". The list of substrings is converted into a list of Aa-machine values as follows: local variable list = empty_list local variable i for(i = list_of_substrings.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { local variable val = parse_word(list_of_substrings[i]) list = create_pair(val, list) } return list // this gets stored into arg def create_pair(head, tail) { local variable addr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) runtime_error(1) heap[addr + 0] = head heap[addr + 1] = tail return } def parse_word(input) { if(input.length == 1) { if(input[0] >= '0' && input[0] <= '9') { return } else { return } } // Look for an exact match in the DICT chunk: local variable d = dict_lookup(input) if(d) { return } // Check for a decimal number in the range 0-16383: local variable num = parse_decimal(input) if(num && num >= 0 && num <= 16383) { return } // Otherwise, run the word endings decoder: local variable state = 0 local variable ending = empty_list local variable pos = input.length while(true) { local variable addr if(decoder[state] == 0x00) { while(pos > 0) { addr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) { runtime_error(1) } local variable c = input[--pos] local variable v if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { v = } else { v = } heap[addr + 0] = v heap[addr + 1] = ending ending = } addr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) { runtime_error(1) } heap[addr + 0] = ending heap[addr + 1] = empty_list return } else if(decoder[state] == 0x01) { d = dict_lookup(input.first_n(pos)) if(d) { // The first pos characters // exactly match a dictionary // word. addr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) { runtime_error(1) } heap[addr + 0] = heap[addr + 1] = ending return } else { state++ } } else { local variable ch = input[pos - 1] if(ch == decoder[state]) { addr = TOP TOP += 2 if(TOP > min(ENV, CHO)) { runtime_error(1) } heap[addr + 0] = heap[addr + 1] = ending ending = state = decoder[state + 1] pos-- } else { state += 2 } } } } GET_KEY DEST if(SPC == auto || SPC == pendingspace) output_space() output_sync() arg <- input_get_key() // digits are numbers, others are chars SCRIPT_ON if(!output_script_on()) { fail } SCRIPT_OFF output_script_off() TRACE_ON vm_trace_on() TRACE_OFF vm_trace_off() INC_CWL CWL++ DEC_CWL CWL-- UPPERCASE if(CWL == 0) { output_uppercase() } CLEAR_LINKS // Turn all links in the main text area into non-clickable, // ordinary text. The status areas are not affected. output_clear_links() CLEAR_OLD // Clear any text that the player has had a chance to read. // This means everything up to and including the last input. // The interpreter may ignore this operation. if(nSpan > 0) runtime_error(7) output_clear_old() CLEAR_DIV // Clear or fold away the current div. // The interpreter may ignore this operation. output_clear_div(); VM_INFO BYTE DEST if(arg1 & 0x40) { arg2 <- vm_terp_feature(arg1 & 0x3f) } else { local variable count = 0 if(arg1 == 0) { for(local variable i = 0; i < HEAD.heapsz; i++) { if(heap[i] != unused) count++ } } else if(arg1 == 1) { for(local variable i = 0; i < HEAD.auxsz; i++) { if(aux[i] != unused) count++ } } else if(arg1 == 2) { for(local variable i = LTB; i < HEAD.ramsz; i++) { if(ram[i] != unused) count++ } } arg2 <- box_int(count) } SET_IDX VALUE IDX = deref(arg) // IDX is another name for R3f if(IDX.tag == extdict) { IDX = heap[IDX.value + 0] } CHECK_EQ WORD/VBYTE CODE if(IDX == arg1) INST = arg2 CHECK_GT_EQ WORD/VBYTE CODE CODE if(IDX > arg1) { INST = arg2 } else if(IDX == arg1) { INST = arg3 } CHECK_GT VALUE/BYTE CODE if(IDX > arg1) INST = arg2 CHECK_WORDMAP INDEX CODE local variable objs[] = find_in_wordmap(wordmaps[arg1], IDX) if(objs == null) { // The word was not in the table, and should not // match anything. // Nothing was pushed, so jump to enforce that. INST = arg2 } else if(objs.length == 0) { // The word is a wildcard, so don't jump. } else { // The word matches a limited number of objects. // Push them and jump to enforce that. if(AUX + objs.length > TRL) runtime_error(2) for(local variable i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { aux[AUX++] = objs[i] } INST = arg2 } CHECK_EQ_2 WORD/VBYTE WORD/VBYTE CODE if(IDX == arg1 || IDX == arg2) INST = arg3 TRACEPOINT STRING STRING STRING WORD // event, predicate, file, line vm_tracepoint(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) Examples ======== To traverse children (A1 is incoming parent): LOAD_VAL A1.'child', >T1 JUMP entry loop POP_CHOICE #2 ASSIGN A1, >T1 entry LOAD_WORD T1.'sibling', >A1 IF_RAW_EQ 0, A1, last PUSH_CHOICE #2, loop last ASSIGN T1, =A0 ... To traverse a list of flagged objects: LOAD_VAL 0.'root', >T1 JUMP entry loop POP_CHOICE #2 ASSIGN A1, >T1 entry LOAD_WORD T1.'next', >A1 IF_RAW_EQ 0, A1, last PUSH_CHOICE #2, loop last ASSIGN T1, =A0 ... To flag object A0 with list: IF_FLAG A0.'flag', skip SET_FLAG A0.'flag' LOAD_WORD 0.'root', >T0 STORE_WORD A0.'next', T0 STORE_VAL 0.'root', A0 skip To clear object A0 with list: IFN_FLAG A0.'flag', skip RESET_FLAG A0.'flag' UNLINK 0.'root', 'next', A0 skip To clear list of flagged objects: LOAD_WORD 0.'root', >T1 IF_RAW_EQ 0, T1, skip loop RESET_FLAG T1.'flag' LOAD_WORD T1.'next', >T1 IFN_NULL T1, loop STORE_WORD 0.'root', #0 skip To clear a property for every object: ASSIGN max_obj_id, >T1 loop STORE_VAL T1.'prop', #0 DEC_RAW T1, >T1 IFN_NULL T1, loop To select 'then at random' with four choices: LOAD_BYTE 0.'state', >R3f CHECK_GT_EQ #3, random, last INC_RAW R3f, >T0 JMP done last ASSIGN #7, >T0 JMP done random SUB_RAW R3f, #4, >R3f RAND_RAW #2, >T0 CHECK_GT T0, noadjust INC_RAW T0, >T0 noadjust ASSIGN T0, >R3f ADD_RAW T0, #4, T0 done STORE_BYTE 0.'state', T0 CHECK_EQ #1, case1 CHECK_EQ #2, case2 CHECK_EQ #3, case3 case0 ... case1 ... case2 ... case3 ... This document was written by Linus Akesson.