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Larghetto from Chopin's 2nd Piano Concerto
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Allt under himmelens fäste

I suppose it's a bit upside-down to make a SID cover of a Visa Röster song.

At a concert where Visa Röster interpreted both SID tunes and Swedish folk songs, my girlfriend and I bought a couple of CDs, and found a little gem called Allt under himmelens fäste that we both instantly liked. It's a very sad song with a simple melody, supported by a solemn yet rhythmical accompaniment written by Mahoney.

If you're a SID composer, you know that when you get a song stuck on your mind, it inevitably ends up as a SID tune. =) In this case, I've tried to stick to Mahoney's arrangement as far as possible.

Posted Thursday 9-Aug-2007 08:32

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Wed 24-Sep-2008 23:22
Beautiful song, and nicely done in SID!
Kind Regards

Tel B :)
Sat 16-Jan-2010 15:34
Brilliant. I've only started discovering SID music, and your work is remarkable. The converted song has a lot of individuality, but manages to keep the feel of the original song; it still sounds haunting. Beautiful!
Linus Åkesson
Thu 28-Jan-2010 16:04

kiri wrote:

Brilliant. I've only started discovering SID music, and your work is remarkable. The converted song has a lot of individuality, but manages to keep the feel of the original song; it still sounds haunting. Beautiful!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you like it.