Pas De Deux
Pas De Deux was my entry in the 25th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (IFComp 2019). It ended up on 24rd place, out of 82 games.
Striding into the spotlight, you smile as you look out over the crowd. It's a good turnout tonight. Now it is up to the Bournebrook Rill Community Orchestra and you, maestro Nevada Elmsbee, to deliver a spectacular performance.
Keep an eye on your score—or don't!—in this multi-layered parser/choice hybrid. Casually explore the interactive scene, or tackle the full puzzle lurking underneath to reach the best ending. Available for the web (recommended) and as a traditional Z-machine story file.
You can play Pas De Deux online here.
Note that if you play online, a transcript of your play session will be logged on the server. These transcripts help me to catch bugs, and to improve my skills as an IF writer.
You can also download the game and play locally. Extract the zip file (below) and load the corresponding file into your preferred Z-machine interpreter, Å-machine interpreter, or web browser. The zip file also contains extra material, known in the IF world as feelies.
- pas-de-deux-rel3.zip (Release 3, 7.6 MB)
- pas-de-deux-rel2.zip (Release 2, 7.6 MB)
- pas-de-deux-rel1.zip (Original IFComp version, 5.1 MB)
- pas-de-deux-rel2-src.zip (Source code, 2.3 MB)
It is recommended to play the latest version.
After the Comp, authors traditionally reflect on their work in a post-mortem article. This year, mine is a postludium. You may wish to play the game before reading the postludium, since it contains some mild spoilers.
Pas De Deux is implemented in Dialog. It has an IFDB page.
Posted Monday 18-Nov-2019 21:12
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