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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Jan 2016


Reha Bicer
Sun 3-Jan-2016 15:55
You are crayz! This is awesome!
Mon 4-Jan-2016 21:12
"One display line takes 24 μs, and is followed by a 7.75 μs break called the horizontal blanking period"

I am confused here - every place i read about 640x480@60hz VGA timings, the display line takes 25.17 us, the front porch 0.94us - the actual sync itself (pin down) is 3.77us and the remaining back porch, 1,89 us. Im pressuming you are aiming at the standard 25.175 mhz ?

Also, in your code you are correcting for some jitter or missing timing-precision - is this because you use prescaling ?
Linus Åkesson
Tue 5-Jan-2016 21:04
"One display line takes 24 μs, and is followed by a 7.75 μs break called the horizontal blanking period"

I am confused here - every place i read about 640x480@60hz VGA timings, the display line takes 25.17 us, the front porch 0.94us - the actual sync itself (pin down) is 3.77us and the remaining back porch, 1,89 us. Im pressuming you are aiming at the standard 25.175 mhz ?

Yeah, the standard allows for some deviation, so I picked some values that worked. Summing the values above, you get 31.77 μs for a standards-compliant scanline, but 31.75 μs in my implementation. At 20 MHz, each clock cycle is 0.05 μs, so it would not be possible to achieve 31.77 μs.

Also, in your code you are correcting for some jitter or missing timing-precision - is this because you use prescaling ?

The jitter correction is necessary because even though the interrupts fire at just the right moment, the CPU will complete the currently executing instruction before jumping to the interrupt handler. AVR instructions are 1, 2 or 3 cycles (and reading from EEPROM will hold off interrupts for 4 cycles).

The TTY demystified

Thu 7-Jan-2016 12:45
Tue 12-Jan-2016 16:07
Really good document,thanks for your great efforts


Thu 21-Jan-2016 22:04
get a Life ;)

YOU SON OF A BITCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'LL KILL YA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thu 21-Jan-2016 22:06
Lol this doesnt work you so bad lolololol ^^


Mon 25-Jan-2016 21:56
Hi Linus,

I'm delighted to hear you're involved with these modules. I saw them discussed a couple of days ago and ordered right away as they sounded incredible. I'm so excited to try them out when they arrive. My hope is to be able to record some loops with these so I can build up something for my game. We're so lucky to have someone with your genius pushing this genre.



Tue 26-Jan-2016 20:22
Wow. You're amazing. Is there an online interpreter

A case against syntax highlighting

Thu 28-Jan-2016 03:32
This argument is specious and it is absurd beyond all reckoning. Coloring every word of a paragraph in natural language is in no way similar to syntax coloring in a programming language.

I just cannot believe that anyone could take this argument seriously.

Totally agree. Natural language syntax is, well, natural. We don't need a helping hand to understand. Programming languages are not natural, they've been designed by someone, and highlighting a function name, or a type in a declaration is a great help to sorting through what's of immediate interest. A program is more like an aircraft's control panel, where you have to find _that_ lever quickly than something you instinctively know, like natural language.

Perhaps Mr. Akesson speaks computer languages as fluently as his mother tongue. I certainly don't however.


Thu 28-Jan-2016 21:29
My po-20 should be arriving today! Very excited
Sun 31-Jan-2016 06:01
Dude, just found out you're one of the guys behind the new PO's. I remember being entranced by your AVR chiptune project years ago, so cool to see the same kind of fun brought to something like the pocket operators. The Arcade is a blast.