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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Apr 2019


Sun 7-Apr-2019 15:57
Very nice! I liked this one:

Safe VSP

Thu 11-Apr-2019 20:07
Congratulations of discovering the cause of this classic bug! Well done!

Question: You explain that bytes at "fragile" addresses can become corrupted within some page. But what determines the page?

In other words, the LSB of the addresses being corrupted is %xxxxx111, but what is the HSB?

(I'm a coder, not an engineer, so it might be obvious - but i don't know how the electrical circuits work)

The hardware chiptune project

Fri 12-Apr-2019 06:42
I still come here from time to time just to listen to this tune.

A Mind Is Born

Mon 15-Apr-2019 13:47
I'm glad you added syntax highlighting for us mortals.


Tue 16-Apr-2019 02:31
I posted about this at the Intfiction.org forum as well, but just in case you missed it:

Trying to run Tethered with Fizmo gives the error message: “This interpreter is broken. Please use another one.”

What is Fizmo doing that Tethered doesn’t like? It seems to be able to run other games in zblorb format, such as Savoire-Faire.


Thu 18-Apr-2019 11:13
Fantastic, it worked first time using my Raspberry Pi. Thank you very much!


Tue 23-Apr-2019 03:37
Are you ready for the next challenge? Implement some brain fuck interpreter using the game of life. It's turing complete after all ;-)
I could probably do that, but it would take a long time. It’s a simple language after all. Caveat: Input will be a royal pain. Still, won’t be doing it anytime soon. To give you an idea of how it will look, it will look a little like the Spartan Universal Computer Constructor or the Life Pi Calculator.
Tue 23-Apr-2019 03:48
Are you ready for the next challenge? Implement some brain fuck interpreter using the game of life. It's turing complete after all ;-)
I could probably do that, but it would take a long time. It’s a simple language after all. Caveat: Input will be a royal pain. Still, won’t be doing it anytime soon. To give you an idea of how it will look, it will look a little like the Spartan Universal Computer Constructor or the Life Pi Calculator.
Also, it will be incredibly huge, far beyond the capabilities of that poor BrainF program that I call, “The Life Play Button”. It will require a fairly efficient implementation of HashLife, likely beyond anything that can realistically be written in BrainF, at least without “obsessive optimization”. Worse, you probably won’t even get a pattern download anytime soon. Even worse, when you do manage to find the download link (in the future), you will likely still be frustrated by the notable lack of speed and the difficulty of making it “faster”, despite some instructions given in the ZIP file. So, not very good. And, by the way, there are Game of Life interpreters in the Game of Life. They are just incredibly huge, slow, and laggy, just like what I think my interpreter would be like. Let’s end it at that. Bye!
Tue 23-Apr-2019 04:02
Are you ready for the next challenge? Implement some brain fuck interpreter using the game of life. It's turing complete after all ;-)
I could probably do that, but it would take a long time. It’s a simple language after all. Caveat: Input will be a royal pain. Still, won’t be doing it anytime soon. To give you an idea of how it will look, it will look a little like the Spartan Universal Computer Constructor or the Life Pi Calculator.
Also, it will be incredibly huge, far beyond the capabilities of that poor BrainF program that I call, “The Life Play Button”. It will require a fairly efficient implementation of HashLife, likely beyond anything that can realistically be written in BrainF, at least without “obsessive optimization”. Worse, you probably won’t even get a pattern download anytime soon. Even worse, when you do manage to find the download link (in the future), you will likely still be frustrated by the notable lack of speed and the difficulty of making it “faster”, despite some instructions given in the ZIP file. So, not very good. And, by the way, there are Game of Life interpreters in the Game of Life. They are just incredibly huge, slow, and laggy, just like what I think my interpreter would be like. Let’s end it at that. Bye!
I mean, not involving BrainF. Or, in fact, any other programming language in between, as far as I know.
Thu 25-Apr-2019 14:58
*GoL interpreter in GoL*
Hint: It’s called the 0E0P Metacell. It will lag and freeze the flip out of your computer.

A case against syntax highlighting

Fri 26-Apr-2019 07:54
Your english language example is malformed. Colors picked such a way, that more important words are harder to read then less important. I believe that with practice human vision would adapt to this, to learn what colors are more important, but it not good for an example, because no one would try to learn to read english with such a colored scheme.

At first, text needs more contrast. Light green on light gray is impossibe to read. Black background would be better. Or white background and... though I cannot say, I'm using dark theme for programming, but I'm sure there should exist good light themes somewhere. The second is colors should be picked such a way, that verbs and nouns jumped into retina maybe even damaged it, while words like "and/or/else..." should be of less violent color.

Despite of that, I should say it is a great idea. If I figure out a way to algorithmically color text, I will patch my ebook reader program and try to read ebooks with coloring. I think, that reading speed should be greater. Maybe not due to coloring, but because of the need to learn new tricks, but in any case it is a really cool idea. Thanks.