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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Aug 2008


Fri 1-Aug-2008 12:29
This is awesome! Never thought that little thing would have the power to generate that.
Fri 1-Aug-2008 12:45
Brilliant stuff man, really impressive.
Fri 1-Aug-2008 12:52
very impressive, and thank you for uploading the music.
Fri 1-Aug-2008 14:00
Wow, awesome! The music was absolutely fantastic!
Fri 1-Aug-2008 16:03
So nice! Just got teleported back to the 80's. This is awesome.
Fri 1-Aug-2008 23:26
awsome :D najs
Sat 2-Aug-2008 03:03
Your work is great!

Sat 2-Aug-2008 05:19
This is just breathtaking.. AMAZING!
Sat 2-Aug-2008 10:18
I have drawn the schematic in eagle, check it here as png:
or as eagle sch:
contact me:
bram at atasco dot nl
what kind of transistor did you use?
Sat 2-Aug-2008 11:04
Mycket mycket imponerande bygge, och demot är kanon.
Sat 2-Aug-2008 17:27
Grymt snyggt!
Sat 2-Aug-2008 19:14

The hardware chiptune project

Sun 3-Aug-2008 22:37
Sounds like Jeroen Tel :D


Mon 4-Aug-2008 00:12
Helt fantastisk rättvisa åt musiken, undras om man kan få låna domkyrkan en natt för att uppnå perfekt rumstemporal spridning och spela in alltsammans där? Linus Walleij


Mon 4-Aug-2008 08:40
Mycket snyggt jobbat!
Man får en riktig resa tillbaka till den tid då dataspelen var som roligast och även oskyldigast. Jag måste säga att jag är mycket imponerad av det du gjort, det är alltid svårare att ha få resurser och utnyttja dessa till 100% än att ha den senaste tekniken och bara utnyttja delar av den.
Respekt från 40-årig gammal räv!
Mon 4-Aug-2008 10:32
Kan bara säga hur imponerande det är. Påminner om gammla C64 och Amiga demos. Keep up the good work.

SID theme search engine

Mon 4-Aug-2008 22:11
It will useful if you will create Flash-object with interactive music keyboard.


Linus Åkesson
Tue 5-Aug-2008 05:41

metal wrote:


I was wondering what software do u use to draw the stripboard layout ?


Hi! Those are written in a text editor, in the PostScript language. Have a look in the .eps file and you'll see what I mean.


Tue 5-Aug-2008 15:05
Nice & funny


Tue 5-Aug-2008 20:19
Wow. I'm speechless.
Thu 7-Aug-2008 11:10

I would congratulate you, but there are no words to describe how amazing that was.

The remote control project

Fri 8-Aug-2008 07:01
iam uderstanding u project and i want to think on this project


Sat 9-Aug-2008 00:24
You have a really demoscene talent, man!

The pot plant monitor

Sat 9-Aug-2008 09:49
Now all you need is a low power RF transmitter so that you can monitor all flowers with great convenience.


Sat 9-Aug-2008 12:01
Mycket bra genomfört! Jag har spelat de flesta av dessa verken på just kyrkorgel, och håller kanske inte med om all interpretation, men det är ju givetvis personligt. Ljudet är fantastiskt bra! /F. Segerfalk aka Moppe


Tue 12-Aug-2008 01:59
Have you been at all tempted by the AT94K05AL? It's a bit more towards the pricey end but soo many possibilities. I guess the best cheap boost would be a low end xmega.

I have this half baked idea of having a challenge where you take a standard pc keyboard and video connector and add $20 worth of parts to make the best computer you can. (you can use volume pricing for your price calculations though because the idea is to imagine if you made thousands of them)

The pot plant monitor

Sun 17-Aug-2008 21:33
Very nice idea!
I have got two suggestions on how to improve it a little bit:
1. There is no need for a high frequency of measurements and therefore also no need to always provide +5 V. Just connect this path to another uC pin and while no measurement is in progress, let both uC pins provide GND level.
2. Put a resistor (suggestion: 220 Ohms) in serial with the measuring uC pin to protect the uC. Although the capacitance of the capacitor is not too high, a large amount of current will flow in a very short period of time while it is discharged.

Analysis of the lyrics of "Voices"

Fri 22-Aug-2008 06:42
creo que no tienes claro varias cosas
primero la cancion tiene un tiempo se lleva acabo en semana santa, especificamente
11 Judas on the ceiling que simboliza el sabado de gloria
13 I guess Easter's never coming domingo de pascua dia de la resureccion,
el dilema de la cancion es que en su infancia tuvo una vida miserable con su madrastra siempre atormentandolo, y que a su vez era muy debota a la religion, entonces en que debe creer?

se esta haciendo un reclamo a dios de por que no ha resucitado y por que no ha llegado a salvarlo
y esto se mira en toda la cancion

you must be clear in the time this hapend in a week the prev week of eastern for the british or the resurrection day of cristians... so all the song its about a cristians that has a moral dilema because his or her tutor hit to teach religion, whats is bad? or what is worse? the religion or the way of theach...

A case against syntax highlighting

Papa Smurph
Sun 24-Aug-2008 18:54
I tend to use syntax highlighting to see syntactic errors in multi-language source. When writing web applications it's typical to deal with HTML, Javascript, PHP and SQL mixed in the same file, so it's beneficial to see where one thing ends and another starts. I agree that semantics is the main "problem" in programming, but as I yet haven't found an editor that understands strings containing SQL it's still a good thing to highlight the string itself with all the escapes etc. It's very easy to get hard to find errors in SQL sequences.

What I do to lessen the fragmented appearance of syntax colored text is to at least always use the same text format: Whenever an editor chooses italic or bold by default for certain items I set that back to normal text. That makes items pop up less, and the text hence becomes easier to read.

The TTY demystified

Sun 24-Aug-2008 21:36
Very good and informative article for a complex topic
- the tty system really gets demystified here.

Only a small correction:
Your statement "icanon switches between raw and cooked mode" is not completely true.

'stty -icanon' still interprets control characters such as Ctrl-C whereas 'stty raw' disables even this and is the real raw mode.



Wed 27-Aug-2008 17:10
this is just amazing. would it be possible to have several of these chips work together, and specialize one chip for one kind of work, thus getting a better result? (higher computational power). couple that with a homemade input device (or something like an old NES controller), and you could make your own game console.

many, many kudos to you.

About me

Alireza Basafa
Thu 28-Aug-2008 18:34
Hurrah for your ambition (no your pretentious !)

The remote control project

Alireza Basafa
Thu 28-Aug-2008 19:05
Can you send me circuit & Atmega88 source program of your remote control project ?

The TTY demystified

Linus Åkesson
Fri 29-Aug-2008 16:42
Very good and informative article for a complex topic
- the tty system really gets demystified here.

Only a small correction:
Your statement "icanon switches between raw and cooked mode" is not completely true.

'stty -icanon' still interprets control characters such as Ctrl-C whereas 'stty raw' disables even this and is the real raw mode.


Yes, you're quite right. I've fixed it.


Sat 30-Aug-2008 21:05
.. mad skills, mad skills!