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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Oct 2015

A lateral-thinking puzzle

Linus Åkesson
Thu 1-Oct-2015 21:13

Vale wrote:

Solution: Pick two patients randomly. Spill from the receiver a transfusion and keep the blood aside. Transfuse from donor to receiver. 1/3 of times the donor is O and receiver doesn't die immediately. Restore the receiver blood and do another transfusion from the donor to the other patient. You saved 2 people.
2/3 of times the donor is A or B and the receiver dies immediately. Reverse the transfusion.
In 1/2 of times the receiver was O. The corpe contains compatible blood and the reverse transfusion saves the original donor. The blood aside is O and useful to save the other patient.You saved 2 people.
In the other 1/2 of times the receiver is not O and all the patients die.
Therefore: 1/3*2 + 2/3*1/2*2 + 2/3*1/2*0=4/3

That is exactly the solution I had in mind! Well done!

By the way, your projects are marvelous and very inspiring. Thanks!

Thank you!

Analysis of the lyrics of "Voices"

Wed 7-Oct-2015 05:24
I have a totally different interpretation, witch, I'm afraid, is a lot heavier.
The whole song is about a very painful secret, a sexual subject one.
"Love, just don't stare" is the key of the piece. It leads me to two possible interpretations: "don't look to what WE are doing" (yes, the old man and the narrator), or "don't look to some person you desire, so don't be discovered" (probably an prohibited desire, like a priest or somebody of the same sex).
In both cases, the old man is the only one to know the secret. When he died, the widow tried to discover what is the problem with the protagonist: "so speak, I'm right here.. she used to say to me" "not a word, not a word" is the answer.
There are lots of references to his fear of being "discovered": "others steal your thought they are not confined within your mind". It causes mental disorder, and a lot of suffering to him.
Once the "sin" used to happen at Sunday mornings, is the moment where he/she feels a burning desire "I'm lying here in bed. Swear my skin is inside out. Just another Sunday morning"
At certain point I started to wish that the secret is not about sexual abuse. It is said that abused children have fantasies with theirs abusers. But that Sunday morning "fever" brings me to the conclusion that the old man is abusing him/her on Sunday mornings.
The spider in the window and the angel in the pool are images that he/she keeps from the encounters with the abuser (or the forbidden sexual partner).

There are more evidences of this interpretation, but I am not aming to write another full analysis.

Romance from Chopin's 1st Piano Concerto

Wed 7-Oct-2015 13:06
!!! Linus YOU ARE GREAT !!!

Larghetto from Chopin's 2nd Piano Concerto

Wed 7-Oct-2015 13:10
Is it your performance on the piano?

Look at him you think he cannot play this piano??

Romance from Chopin's 1st Piano Concerto

Wed 7-Oct-2015 13:19
!!! Man just sitting home and listening music relaxing best of it thx for your perfomance !!!

About me

Mon 19-Oct-2015 23:09
Great site - what the web was made for.


Sat 24-Oct-2015 17:42

Variation 18

Tue 27-Oct-2015 00:12
Fantastiskt. Totally awesome :-) A bad day suddenly felt brighter.