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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Aug 2024

An AVR Programmer for the C64

Wed 7-Aug-2024 10:17
"Don't let a broken tool ruin your weekend! Take a look around the room and hack something together"

Chapeau bas! Couldn't say it any better :-))

The TTY demystified

Thu 8-Aug-2024 22:41
Nice post! Instead of me asking you a question, let me sort-of/kind-of answer one that you implicitly asked. You wrote:

"I don't know why the designers of UNIX had to go all the way to invent SIGTTOU and SIGTTIN instead of relying on blocking I/O"

I don't know the historical motivation, but I do know this: there are nice things you can do with these signals that you can't accomplish just by letting the operation block.

To see this, consider what it would mean if trying to read from the terminal was just a normal blocking read. This read will never complete until the job becomes the foreground job again. Thus, that process, and presumably the entire pipeline, is now stuck.

But the shell has no knowledge of this, and thus the user won't either! The user backgrounded the job in the hopes that "eventually it will finish and let me know" and doesn't realize that the job is now waiting for the user to foreground it.

But the shell DOES know if the process gets suspended! So then it can then tell the user, who can then type "fg" and reply to the password prompt or whatever it is that the program decided it needed.

Sadly, this nice property seems to break over SSH, as I recently lamented about at stack overflow, here:


To fix this issue, I think we'd need new kernel APIs and a change to the SSH protocol

A case against syntax highlighting

Sat 31-Aug-2024 18:18
This article totally miss the point.
There is good syntax highlighting, and there is bad syntax highlighting.
If I had infinite free time like the author, I might actually write an article about bad vs good.

The Tenor Commodordion

Sat 31-Aug-2024 20:06
The best the awesome the incredible the legend. Love. Come back to revision !