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Disclaimer: I am not responsible for what people (other than myself) write in the forums. Please report any abuse, such as insults, slander, spam and illegal material, and I will take appropriate actions. Don't feed the trolls.

Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Nov 2013

The Chipophone

Sat 2-Nov-2013 18:52
I am crying in tears of joy! :D Its such a beautiful Instrument!!!!!
Sat 2-Nov-2013 23:58
Nice dude! :)


Tue 5-Nov-2013 01:19
level 13, 770569946 impossible?

It is possible and is in fact pretty easy.

Here's the LURD solution:

The Chipophone

Tue 12-Nov-2013 15:21
Become a man? That dude is like the second coming of Jesus (for µControllers). I'd hire him anyday. Micocontrollers FTW

What he said! ^ =)

So Linus, saw your footage from Lund - *awesome*, and watched all the vids - You are one of a kind - seriously, amazingly talented guy, and we love the stuff you do! - loved the fantastic 'Craft' demo too - amazing!

So the big question is - Will there be a chance of you appearing at Retro Revival 2014 with your awesome playing of the equally awesome Chipophone? - That'd quite possibly make it THE BEST retro show I've ever attended! :)

Would you be inclined if enticed by the organisers with money/beer/etc? :)

All the best!


A case against syntax highlighting

Sat 16-Nov-2013 20:57
stuypidest shit I've ever read
Fri 22-Nov-2013 19:01
cool - an articel written in 2007 still actively receives comments - congrats! :-)


Sat 30-Nov-2013 03:38
Would it be ok if I took two or three levels generated by this program and uploaded them to a certain freeware game similar to Chip's Challenge? You and your wonderful sokoban generator would recieve the credit for creating the levels, and additionally I would provide a link to the generator here so others could enjoy it. (If it is not ok, then I will not upload any levels from here.)
Linus Åkesson
Sat 30-Nov-2013 15:06
Would it be ok if I took two or three levels generated by this program and uploaded them to a certain freeware game similar to Chip's Challenge? You and your wonderful sokoban generator would recieve the credit for creating the levels, and additionally I would provide a link to the generator here so others could enjoy it. (If it is not ok, then I will not upload any levels from here.)

Sure, go ahead!
Sat 30-Nov-2013 22:49
Thanks! The game which I am uploading them to can be found by searching 'escape spacebar' (not posting a link so as to avoid direct advertisement.)

The bug where the tiles end up twice as tall as they are wide on Firefox 10 is apparent for me as well. I'm not sure why it appears like that, but the game is still playable.