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Jan 2010

Beagleboard no-pop hack

Sat 2-Jan-2010 22:32
Try locating the real error, it's very likely popping when twl4030_codec_enable() in sound/soc/codec/twl4030.c is called with enable set to 0 (i.e. disable) and twl4030_codec_disable_resource(TWL4030_CODEC_RES_POWER) is called cutting the power without first gating the output and shutting the amplifier down. (Like on an old stereo you'd just shut off and it pops!)

I don't have a Beagleboard so cannot experiment with this...
Linus Åkesson
Tue 5-Jan-2010 21:31
Thanks for the tip, I'll look into it.

The hardware chiptune project

Linus Åkesson
Tue 5-Jan-2010 21:42
Hey, what license do you use for this project?

Oh, I guess it's more or less public domain. I like getting credit, but I won't try to enforce it legally.

By the way, under Swedish law there is no way for an author to release a work to the public domain, so you'll have to trust me. Copyright snafu. =)


Tue 12-Jan-2010 10:27
So very good - keep up the good work


The hardware chiptune project

Thu 14-Jan-2010 17:05
nice project but how to add own files (.wav,.mp3,pcm) can be added in it

The remote control project

Fri 15-Jan-2010 22:44

lft wrote:

basafa wrote:

Can you send me circuit & Atmega88 source program of your remote control project ?

Thanks for showing an interest in my project!

Unfortunately, the remote control project is somewhat ad hoc, and has evolved
since I described it on this page. It would be difficult for me to create a
useful software/schematic combination at this point.


Fri 15-Jan-2010 23:29
You make some really nice things!

Allt under himmelens fäste

Sat 16-Jan-2010 15:34
Brilliant. I've only started discovering SID music, and your work is remarkable. The converted song has a lot of individuality, but manages to keep the feel of the original song; it still sounds haunting. Beautiful!

Beagleboard VGA output

Mon 18-Jan-2010 15:17
Wow, this is pretty cool! I will definitely build this! :) When is a bit indefinite tough...


Tue 19-Jan-2010 01:03
And there I was playing away on my Arduino; happy to get 32 leds to flash in the correct sequence.
Exceptional work. Well done!

Vim code

Tue 19-Jan-2010 01:18
You really should get out more often.
By the way, I am having fun looking at some of the crazy stuff you are doing

Beagleboard VGA output

Wed 20-Jan-2010 10:42
This is great, since i don't have dvi-monitor and i'm not willing to pay for one just for beagleboard use, atleast not now.
Fri 22-Jan-2010 00:53
Quite some research, good work!

For the R2R ladder would maybe save some money if instead of using resistors of double the resistance, just put two in series? I do that with R2R DAC's for VGA and sound production. For example, interfacing with a VGA I use a bunch of 270 ohm resistors to approximately match the 75ohm impedance of the VGA. For audio, I use 10K resistors mostly.

SMD resistors on a roll, are usually from the same batch, so they are pretty well matched. Saves on buying 1% types, but the price difference between 5% is small anyway.

The hardware chiptune project

Mon 25-Jan-2010 02:26
Hi, I am also a mechatronics guy, but from KTH. The music I hear impresses me a lot. For certain among the best 8-bit music I have ever heard, great sound quality and melody. If I find time I will build a device based on your schematics to plug into my stereo. Have you entertained any thoughts on integrating a memory card so that you can play other music (like amiga, atari, nintend)?


Wed 27-Jan-2010 12:38
Can anyone tell me about choral music of Part?

Beagleboard VGA output

Wed 27-Jan-2010 23:37
That's a sweet little monitor! Is that 7"? Most small lcds I've seen don't take vga input or are usb only! Where did you buy that?

Allt under himmelens fäste

Linus Åkesson
Thu 28-Jan-2010 16:04

kiri wrote:

Brilliant. I've only started discovering SID music, and your work is remarkable. The converted song has a lot of individuality, but manages to keep the feel of the original song; it still sounds haunting. Beautiful!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you like it.

The hardware chiptune project

Linus Åkesson
Thu 28-Jan-2010 16:10
Hi, I am also a mechatronics guy, but from KTH. The music I hear impresses me a lot. For certain among the best 8-bit music I have ever heard, great sound quality and melody. If I find time I will build a device based on your schematics to plug into my stereo. Have you entertained any thoughts on integrating a memory card so that you can play other music (like amiga, atari, nintend)?

Thank you! No, there's no particular reason, but I haven't made any devices to play existing file formats. I'm sure it's doable, though. IIRC there's an AVR based MOD player and a Propeller based MIDI player around, and probably lots of similar projects.

Beagleboard VGA output

Linus Åkesson
Thu 28-Jan-2010 16:18
That's a sweet little monitor! Is that 7"? Most small lcds I've seen don't take vga input or are usb only! Where did you buy that?

It's a TM7100 from Deltaco, 7" TFT 1024x768, VGA and two composite inputs. Very handy when playing around with video signals.
Thu 28-Jan-2010 22:19
This is an elegant solution to the VGA issue on the beagleboard.

How would you modify the design to send out a combined sync signal? I have a display in my car that is 400 x 234 but the input is RGBs.

Thank you.

The hardware chiptune project

Sat 30-Jan-2010 21:39
Would it be possible to do the same but using an arduino?
It uses the same microproccesor that you used for this project