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May 2008


Thu 1-May-2008 07:45
the author should have drawn schematic more legibily using some circuit drawing software instead of this lousy ascii patterns

arun -
Linus Åkesson
Thu 1-May-2008 12:21
the author should have drawn schematic more legibily using some circuit drawing software instead of this lousy ascii patterns

arun -

If you want to, feel free to draw the schematic using such a program, and I'll put it on the page.
Thu 1-May-2008 16:19
great work!
Thu 1-May-2008 23:54
I've been working on something simular for a few months (on and off, when i got the time) but i have not yet taken the time to create a full demo. (see www.electronicspit.com)

I must say this is a very good demo. Great work on the hardware too !
Linus Åkesson
Fri 2-May-2008 09:46
I've been working on something simular for a few months (on and off, when i got the time) but i have not yet taken the time to create a full demo. (see www.electronicspit.com)

I must say this is a very good demo. Great work on the hardware too !

Yeah, I've already got it bookmarked. =) Some day I'll probably attempt something similar. The tradeoff between VGA and composite is of course that the VGA signal has a higher pixel clock, but in the composite signal you've got to modulate the colour signals. But when one tries to build something generic, such as your console, one needs external ram, and then it's not such a big deal to add further external components.

The hardware chiptune project

Fri 2-May-2008 17:20

What diode did you use? I just started to order all the parts needed ;-)
Can i use any standard diode at the 9V power source?

A case against syntax highlighting

Sat 3-May-2008 23:20
The syntax-highlighting shot looks like Vim, am I right?

I'm using Vim a lot too because it's a really great editor, but it's syntax-highlighting is indeed really crappy and useless.

On Eclipse for example there are only 2 basic highlighting colors for the stuff Vim does too: green for comments and bold purple for keywords and builtin-stuff. All other colors are used for special things like highlighting enums, classes etc. or placing a grey background behind the parts of the code that won't be parsed because of preprocessor-statements like #if, #else and so on.
Highlighting of strings, numbers, operators etc. like Vim does it isn't done by default, because it's useless most of the time.

I think the highlighting of Vim could be much better if it would only highlight comments and keywords like Eclipse does (If you ignore the things like highlighting defined variables and so on that aren't possible with a simple editor because it doesn't know all source-files of your project). Maybe the Vim-guys tried to use as much colors, as an IDE uses for all things it's able to highlight, to highlight the basic things that are normally highlighted with only 2 colors :P


Sun 4-May-2008 21:48
Great job !!! my hobby is AVR's and bascom avr (too slow to done that things) but in my opinion you must show that fantastic work to atmel and you can win/get some gadgets from them for that fantastic work ! :)

Best Regards
George2002 from Poland

The hardware chiptune project

Tue 6-May-2008 21:06
Is the AMplifier chip actually needed? My electronics shop do not have those. Can i use a LM386 instead?


Wed 7-May-2008 16:06
Nice job :)
Will it run on ATMEGA8 overclocked to 20MHz?
Any hardware/registers specifed only for ATMEGA88 are used there?

The hardware chiptune project

Wed 7-May-2008 21:41
Use external audio DAC, you got much better sound quality... This is my simple MOD player based on ATMEGA32 and TDA1543:
Mon 19-May-2008 16:22
This is cool, I have also begun building my own hardware player but I´m using a PIC18F452. And I do all the programming in C as I´m not that good in assembler, just have to run the core at 40Mhz instead =). I have got basic sound via the ressitor ladder to work but using a DAC sounds more interesting, what type do you use ?

One man and his piano

Wed 28-May-2008 18:48
Linus - One Man And His Piano.. Congratulations on making one of the most horrible C64 covers ever.
Thu 29-May-2008 21:11
This is one of my favorite Hubbard tunes.

But this version, being quite horrible at times, can't be improved much on i guess using only a piano, other than just fixing the off-key sounds - i don't think the original has any off-key notes.

It was a good try at that but i'd rather listen to the SID instead.