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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Jan 2019

The TTY demystified

Wed 2-Jan-2019 17:13
Brilliant article! Thanks a lot!


Wed 2-Jan-2019 20:24
Dialog looks interesting, any chance that the source for Tethered will be released?

This would be incredibly helpful. Whilst the manual and standard rules help having a fully worked example would be a bonus.

Stein Pedersen's Nocturne

Wed 9-Jan-2019 16:07
I love this! :D I would have liked more sustain at 0:32 though.

Vim code

Sat 12-Jan-2019 20:24
Absolutely amazing!


Fri 18-Jan-2019 14:48
Although you say v7 is too slow to play, I'm more interested in just exploring how the system works.

I have downloaded and run some of the examples from your dialog program and am working through the docs (prolog newbie)

How would I get a v7 *.gblorb file into zeugma ?

I've tried using babel, but it only generates a blorb and / or ulx file.

Fri 18-Jan-2019 14:50

mstram wrote:

Although you say v7 is too slow to play, I'm more interested in just exploring how the system works.

I have downloaded and run some of the examples from your dialog program and am working through the docs (prolog newbie)

How would I get a v7 *.gblorb file into zeugma ?

I've tried using babel, but it only generates a blorb and / or ulx file.


Sorry for any confusion, I realize that dialog has nothing to do with v7 / babel :) Just meant that I'm trying all the tool chains.

A case against syntax highlighting

Fri 18-Jan-2019 18:00
As an old-skool programmer, learned to type on a hollerith punchcard machine, having just started in an environment where every syntax colouriser under the sun has been applied I find it hugely distracting. But that's my personal preference, the guy I took over clearly loves his coloured object. I just find some of the colours are really unreadable. I suspect that there's a median ground that most people would accept is helpful and the uncoloured or completely garish schemes are probably less acceptable to most. However, it's likely that each of us depending on our history would settle on a different level of highlighting of text. Me, I go for the correctly indented, black text on pale ground, even Linux's habits of colouring the ls output grates. Why is a .png purple and .deb and .gz and .zip red? Do I care that the red ones are all compressed files of some type? One one needs unzip, one needs gunzip and one is an installer package and making them all highlighted in red is zero value.

Vim code

Sat 19-Jan-2019 15:28
Eh ... I thought you were talking about CPU registers :/

Nothing to see here ... :)

Spindle v2

Tue 22-Jan-2019 22:28
What is the easiest way to have it in different mem region f.e. from 0400 to 0700?

The TTY demystified

Tue 29-Jan-2019 19:59
Thank you for the wonderful article!

Massively Interleaved Sprite Crunch

Wed 30-Jan-2019 11:31
Nice chat. Only one addition: The graph would be more readable if every node on the conventional route was highlighted.