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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Jun 2011

About me

Wed 1-Jun-2011 16:27
awesome site, a lot of knowledge available in all these articles. i especially like the tty stuff, but also the retro stuff ... please keep your site running ...

Beagleboard VGA output

Thu 2-Jun-2011 17:03
Is it possibile to connect two monitors to a BeagleBoard (CE6 does support it) ?
Sat 4-Jun-2011 06:02
hello ,i want to change the timings,but i don't know how to save it

A case against syntax highlighting

Sat 4-Jun-2011 23:13
Interesting article, on a subject I've also given some thought myself. Haven't read all of the comments, so forgive me if it was already said, but latest advances in semantic highlighting are a valuable aid, especially when dealing with dynamic languages. I've used a semantic highlighter that could catch typos that resulted in undeclared globals that would result in runtime errors later on.

OTOH, one striking memory I have is the first time I came across syntax highlighting: it was when I first saw C code, in Borland's Turbo C environment for MS-DOS. After years programming in BASIC, dBase and Clipper without any special features from editors, my reaction was: "man, the syntax in C is so weird that they need to paint the code!"

Elements of Chip Music

Hisham HM
Sat 4-Jun-2011 23:55
Another great example of human "musician playing at effect rate" would be the tapping sequence of Eddie Van Halen's eruption. He plays a monophonic sequence so fast that you can clearly devise the chords (and with the distorted guitar sound it actually sounds quite a bit like a chiptune. :)


Sun 5-Jun-2011 07:01
Linus the names of 2 people very good with computers

4096 bytes

Sun 5-Jun-2011 21:59
For those of us who run linux, very cool

Java challenge

Henrik Torstensson
Tue 7-Jun-2011 22:56
*Spoiler alert*
Here is my solution: http://pastebin.com/DpNHxAA8

Bit banger

Mon 13-Jun-2011 12:58
Riktigt bra, som alltid! :)

Mon 13-Jun-2011 18:00
This almost sounds like a IDM track by Aphex Twin. And damn, only 32 Bytes ram? Awesome!
Tue 14-Jun-2011 15:38
I am working on a demo of my own based on the ATtiny2313. I almost stopped when i realized that it only goes to 16 MHz. Until I saw you using the ATtiny15 -- WTF?!!?! Okay.. Now I am inspired! :)


Thu 16-Jun-2011 07:43
I was hoping that you would play that song...and here it is!


Fri 17-Jun-2011 13:27
WOW!!! Looks cool, works cool ;)

Must be a pretty piece of work! I once tried Conways Life too but I gave up ;)

Bit banger

Fri 17-Jun-2011 19:30
Any chance you'd post annotated schematics?
Fri 17-Jun-2011 21:59
Awesome. If anyone wanted to complain about using a modern chip, I'd say the fact that you are running it at merely 1.6Mhz without any support chips at all should quell any disgruntlement. Very cool.


Sat 18-Jun-2011 14:47
Totally amazing. You should port it to Android/iPhone. Don't know how much memory you need, but newer devices have a lot available. Alternatively, publish the source ;)

However for the life of me I can't solve

Bug, or am I just not doing it right?

It's possible. I solved it in 17 moves. A lot of manipulation, however.

Bit banger

Tue 21-Jun-2011 04:19
Do you think you could upload a recording of this? I think it would make a great ringtone for my cell phone.
Wed 22-Jun-2011 16:08
Do you think you could upload a recording of this? I think it would make a great ringtone for my cell phone.

yeah, i also would really appreciate a recording of this tune! it is excellent!


Fri 24-Jun-2011 06:14
what a wonderful instrument and interpretation of a classic tune!


Fri 24-Jun-2011 16:41
I just love pages like this on the internet. This is one of the last 'real' homepages. Good work Linus



Mon 27-Jun-2011 09:20
Congratulations indeed ! As an old gamer and a music lover, I'm just deeply impressed by the quality of your performance and the awesome work in building such an incredible machine ! I have to admit how I am jealous of your talent as a musician and electronics engineer ! ^^
Once again congratulations from the bottom of my heart !
Fabien, from France
Mon 27-Jun-2011 09:21
Congratulations indeed ! As an old gamer and a music lover, I'm just deeply impressed by the quality of your performance and the awesome work in building such an incredible machine ! I have to admit how I am jealous of your talent as a musician and electronics engineer ! ^^
Once again congratulations from the bottom of my heart !
Fabien, from France

The Chipophone

Mon 27-Jun-2011 12:06
Great ! I love the resulting sound, it really sounds exactly like the NES (requesting Kirby's Dreamland, the music is great).
I wrote a little article about the chipophone on a french retro gaming community : http://www.gamopat.com/article-le-chipophone-77868345.html
Ducktales, Zelda and Metroid (part 2) are awesome !

Thanks a lot.


Bit banger

Mon 27-Jun-2011 21:55
Release an album of your stuff :)


Tue 28-Jun-2011 19:48
My Head already starts exploding and overheating when just THINKING about GOL. If I would have to program it... oh my god.
You didn't just program/code it, you f*cking did it in BRAINFUCK!!
This _literally_ fucks my brain!
I love you.
I just hope to become a good C++ Coder and maybe create some demos or sth like that... But I don't think I will ever achieve what you achieved.
You are a larger-than-life. Keep up the good work!

The TTY demystified

Wed 29-Jun-2011 12:19
Fantastic expalanation. Keep up the good work