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Mar 2010

Analysis of the lyrics of "Voices"

Tue 2-Mar-2010 18:12
I think "God in politicians" makes perfect sense in the Christianity theme. I don't believe in the church and I think this line is connected to my belief. I'm a little hazy on my early Christian history but if I recall correctly, the church was relatively clean until about the crusades and then the church started to be corrupt and has been every since. The crusades were sponsored mostly by the Roman Catholic church (JP is Roman Catholic). The widow's Christianity could represent this new, corrupt religion where the agenda of the church is more political. We see this and the literal translation of politicians using God as a platform everyday. Anyway, these are my two cents and I hope someone can expand on my thinking.

Binary Art

Thu 4-Mar-2010 11:03
024 - 00011000 - War

Again a sad artwork. The artist touched a serious subject after the light playfulness of his last two works "Simplicity" and "Untitled #249" not fearing to show us it's deep darkness.
War. What a terrific word which expresses not only the awfulness of it's meaning but also the terrible consequences of it.
The structure of this masterpiece is really straightforward: the 1s are the men lining up face to face on the front line and the 0s are the women waiting for their men in the heartland. The high number of 0s immediately drags the attention of the viewer and points to the biggest horror of the war: we almost hear the screams and cries of the poor women who lost their husbands, fathers and sons, we almost feel the pain of the hard work done by these ladies in a society with too few men and we almost see as a film the empty and meaningless life of the girls aging and dying alone.
It worth to note that this artwork (24 in decimal) is right next to the other masterpiece : "Love" (23 in decimal). This reflects to the well known expression : "Make love not war" raising the artistic value of this work to new heights. Now not only the art and it's title can be in a menaningful connection (like we saw in "Void") but two separate work can be connected and express something new.
With this masterpiece the artist's genius stepped into a new area of art. Personally I'm really waiting for his next work.

By : Etalon :)


Thu 4-Mar-2010 21:30
I recently had a computer crash and lost my freecell pro 6 score card showing 15,700 games won and no losses. Can someone help me recover the numbers or possible some one has a score card with similure numbers that could make arraingments to get me a copy I cold download??? castman56x@hotmail.com

One man and his piano

Fri 5-Mar-2010 14:17
I got a cassette with One man and his droid for free when I bough my C64.

Doesnt sound easy on piano that one. Impressive playing :-)

Beagleboard VGA output

Sun 7-Mar-2010 16:31
Hi, i'm the Anonymous from Wed 20-Jan-2010 10:42.

I just got my VGA converter ready and it seems to work great. The picture on the VGA side has some top rows on the bottom even after i adjusted the monitor(quite old nokia 500 Xa LCD monitor). The colors seem ok(the orange angstrom logo and the blue text), though i haven't had any full color pictures up yet, so don't know about the graduated colors, that TrevJ commented about. I have both VGA and DVI on(straight HMDI cable to a TV).

The schematic is fine. I added the DDC lines, 5V and 1,8V lines including voltage converters for the DDC lines on mine based on the sparkfun i2c level converter.

Just finished it like half an hour or so ago.

Thank you very much.
Trevor Johnson
Mon 8-Mar-2010 10:19
Great news :-)
...don't know about the graduated colors...
Please keep us posted on this.

My BeagleBoard just arrived last week but I'm having to use a borrowed monitor until I sort out something else (like this adapter).

Power Ninja Action Challenge

Mon 15-Mar-2010 01:40

lft wrote:

This means we get a nasty carrier wave at about 31 kHz (with lots of overtones), which has to be filtered out. But the audio is generated at 44100 samples per second, so frequencies up to about 22 kHz should be left alone by the filter. Such a steep low-pass filter (almost no attenuation at 22 kHz, almost complete attenuation at 31 kHz) can't be realized with passive components.

But 31 kHz isn't audiable by human ears, is it? :)

About me

Linus Åkesson
Thu 18-Mar-2010 18:58
I've spent a lot of time programming a range of computers in a variety of languages since the mid 80's. I was part of the demo scene during many years and since about seven years I work as a professional software engineer. During all these years I've had the opportunity to meet quite a few talented people. Let me say that it takes a lot to impress me nowadays, but you certainly have! What's your source of inspiration?

Keep up the great work!

Thank you! I'm inspired by everything I see. =) But the demoscene is one great source of ideas, and I often read about other people's projects through make magazine etc. It's really hard to not get carried away and do everything that falls into your head, because then you'd never get anything done.


Linus Åkesson
Thu 18-Mar-2010 20:16
Hey, I do not belive that your SID song is in the HVSC ? What about releasing your song along with 37000+ other SID songs ?

Oh, I just haven't got around to it. But I like the HVSC, and will try to find the time to distribute my sids through it.

Binary Art

Linus Åkesson
Thu 18-Mar-2010 20:17
024 - 00011000 - War
By : Etalon :)

Very nice!

Power Ninja Action Challenge

Linus Åkesson
Thu 18-Mar-2010 20:35

lft wrote:

This means we get a nasty carrier wave at about 31 kHz (with lots of overtones), which has to be filtered out. But the audio is generated at 44100 samples per second, so frequencies up to about 22 kHz should be left alone by the filter. Such a steep low-pass filter (almost no attenuation at 22 kHz, almost complete attenuation at 31 kHz) can't be realized with passive components.

But 31 kHz isn't audiable by human ears, is it? :)

Correct. But it would still interfere with the other sound. Suppose you play two sine waves through a loudspeaker, one at 31 kHz and one at 5 kHz. You would hear it as a single sine wave at 18 kHz, which would beat (grow stronger and fainter) at 26 kHz (which wouldn't sound like beating but rather like a timbral change, since it's such a high frequency... but you get the point). Furthermore, if you had a 31 kHz wave present in a signal, and that signal were sampled at 44 kHz because you routed the audio into a digital soundcard, then the 31 kHz would get reflected at the Nyquist frequency and appear as 9 kHz in the recorded audio. While a soundcard would filter its input, the filtering would be inaccurate for the same reason I gave above; it's difficult to filter out 31 kHz completely and retain 22 kHz unattenuated.

A case against syntax highlighting

Thu 18-Mar-2010 20:51
Syntax highlighting applied to fiction. It's easy to spot all the verbs, but why on Earth would you want to do that?

When you are learning about verbs. Duh.

Beagleboard VGA output

Sun 21-Mar-2010 07:28
This is great!! thanks for posting this.
Just out of curiosity, do you know if S-Video to VGA converter will work? like http://www.svideo.com/video2vga.html.

About me

Mon 22-Mar-2010 09:43
lis6502: hi dude. I really admire you. You programing skills, electronics and stuff. But most of them i really admire your chiptracking skills. The 'Hardware chiptune' which i heard on youtube was so unique, unlike other chips, that i had to make an XM remake of it :D http://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=168134 <-check this out plox and tell me how can i make it better.
IRC:[mynick]@irc.upnet.org.pl#autom8 {preferably XMPP}
Keep up good work, greetingz from Poland;)

The hardware chiptune project

Mon 22-Mar-2010 09:54
I would so love an .XM or .MOD of this.
Or some clear samples of it, I think this sounds gorgeous.

Apart from your technical genius you're a magnificent composer.
Good work.
lis6502:hi i did it :P. If you like you can listen to final version on http://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=168134
or contact me via mynick_on_gmail, so i can send U final version or just patterns (this second one could be good to make remixes).

Beagleboard VGA output

Linus Åkesson
Tue 23-Mar-2010 07:09
This is great!! thanks for posting this.
Just out of curiosity, do you know if S-Video to VGA converter will work? like http://www.svideo.com/video2vga.html.

Yes, it should work. You'd be limited to S-Video resolution, though.

The hardware chiptune project

Linus Åkesson
Tue 23-Mar-2010 07:15
I would so love an .XM or .MOD of this.
Or some clear samples of it, I think this sounds gorgeous.

Apart from your technical genius you're a magnificent composer.
Good work.
lis6502:hi i did it :P. If you like you can listen to final version on http://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=168134
or contact me via mynick_on_gmail, so i can send U final version or just patterns (this second one could be good to make remixes).

Great cover! Rock on!

A case against syntax highlighting

Tue 23-Mar-2010 13:51
Didn't read through the comments, but I think your article is totally wrong.

Especially since C/C++ is not a normal language with lots of redundancies, it is crucial for reading C/C++ that you decipher the syntax as quick as possible to be able to continously reading the semantic.

Following your line of argument, you should remove all whitespaces and all line-breaks, all colours and everything from the source code before reading it. As it's all "only syntax". Non-sense!

The syntax highlighting helps to keep track of the semantic, it does not draw attention away from it!

Good syntax highlighting is used to mark different semantic contextes a word can appear in. Italic for static globals, blue for reserved identifiers, cyan for macros etc. It is uttermost important to reading the semantic that you know about the semantic context. In normal language, this is done by placing words on certain positions or by capitalize them (e.g. in german, all nouns are capitalized). It evolved because it makes text much easier to read.