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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Oct 2018


Linus Åkesson
Mon 1-Oct-2018 12:57

lft wrote:

Hi, is it normal for the low pass slow sweep fx on the po28 to only work 1 time, and not reset like all the others reset. That is what mine does. I can only use that effect once, unless I take the batteries out and put them back in.

Yes, this is a known bug. Sorry for that.

It has been fixed by now, so new units don't have this problem.

Hi, I just bought a new PO-28 and it has the bug. I asked the guy in the store about it and he told me that it won't have it as it is new stock and they sell them all the time. I guess he lied to my face. Should I contact TE about this? Do they replace units with the bug?

Ouch, sorry to hear that. May I ask you to please create a ticket here:


I think our support people should be able to help you. It also helps us to get this information into the system, to document what happend and hopefully prevent similar problems in the future.

Fugue on a theme by D. M. Hanlon

Tue 2-Oct-2018 06:07
Wow! Not just programming but also counterpoint! wish I found out about you earlier

A case against syntax highlighting

Fri 5-Oct-2018 19:53
I feel dumber having read this.


Sat 13-Oct-2018 03:16
Hi, why can't you just use one of these instead?



Sat 13-Oct-2018 03:55
Kanske RS-232 inte ar ratt for mitt syfte.

Jag vill prata mellan Java pa Raspberryn och vad som helst pa C64:an sa billigt som mojligt.

Kan jag koppla Rx och Tx direkt till ngt pa user porten for att kunna skicka data mellan dessa? Och isf. vilka pins ska jag koppla vad till? funkar Rx till SP1 och Tx till SP2? Eller maste jag koppla till parallel pinsen?

Var kan jag hitta enkel demokod (asm eller basic for jag antar att det blir peek/poke pa CIA?) som pushar/pullar data pa c64:ans user port som vanlig RxTx kod pa raspberry kan forsta?


Tue 16-Oct-2018 12:28
It saddens me you still haven't released the music in its original format...


Fri 19-Oct-2018 13:11
That's amazing! Did you write it from the scratch or did you use some kind of compiler?

What's amazing is when you posted.


Sat 20-Oct-2018 02:30
This is wonderful, but it seems like a missed opportunity to use some kind of adaptive just temperament to make the intervals more pleasing. It seems to me that the pure tones here really bring out the weaknesses of equal temperament.


Mon 22-Oct-2018 02:10

lft wrote:

That's amazing! Did you write it from the scratch or did you use some kind of compiler?

I wrote it from scratch, but with plenty of comments and whitespace to keep everything straight in my poor head. =)

Did you type the comments? When I write bf code I have to write it on paper due to the difficulty of commenting and then type it onto the computer
Linus Åkesson
Thu 25-Oct-2018 08:05
Did you type the comments? When I write bf code I have to write it on paper due to the difficulty of commenting and then type it onto the computer

The bf interpreter I used simply ignores any invalid characters. So it's just a matter of avoiding <>+-[],.

A case against syntax highlighting

Thu 25-Oct-2018 12:24
I see some more benefits, mostly when there are naming collisions. Syntax highlighting
- warns when you accidentally have a naming collision with one of the countless windows macros.
- shows whether an identifier is seen as parameter, variable or member
- and as you said.. comments

it would be neat to have precedence highlighted aswell but im unsure how that had to be done visually without cluttering.

Things that aren't absolutely obvious immediately thats where syntax highlighting is useful.