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Disclaimer: I am not responsible for what people (other than myself) write in the forums. Please report any abuse, such as insults, slander, spam and illegal material, and I will take appropriate actions. Don't feed the trolls.

Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Mar 2019


Fri 1-Mar-2019 07:20
Thanks for this. I found my old fork of this, and just put it on my github - https://github.com/nfultz/freecell


Sat 2-Mar-2019 23:56
This certainly deserved better!

Analysis of the lyrics of "Voices"

Bill Whitman
Sat 9-Mar-2019 11:26
My interpretation is someone suffering from schitzoohrenia and is amid a mental breakdown. He's institutionalized. He wants to believe God is the only one who can save him. " The old man takes the poison, now the widow makes the rules". The old man is another patient taking his meds and the person giving them to him is the widow. Maybe the demons are telling him to kill her ?
" So speak,I'm right here
She used to say to me, not a word , not a word "
The medication has put him down. He cant talk. So speak , I'm right here is the nurse trying to get him to talk about his problem.
These meds are causing him to hallucinate " Judas on the ceiling, the devil in my bed, I guess Easter isn't coming, I'll just wait inside my head ".
He is seeing Judas and the devil and Easter isn't coming are the voices telling him God isn't going to help him because there is no Good.
" Like a scream but sort of silent " Are the voices that he hears but nobody else hears. They scream at him. He is in full mental break. Now he is talking to his demons
Voices repeating me
" Feeling threatened , we reflect your hopes and fears "
Voices discussing me, " Others steal your thoughts they're not confined within your mind "
His demons are telling him they share his fears and understand his problem. They can help.
Thought disorder
Dream control
" Now they read my mind on the radio ". .
The radio is a brainwave machine he's wired up to reading his mind.
Thought disorder, Dream Control are labels out on him,
But where is the garden of Eden. Again the voices are telling him there's no God.
Voices protecting me
" Good behavior brings the savior to his knees "
The voices are telling him if he acts good God can't help him.
They are his only friends.
The entire song is a reflection and struggle between a sick person and voices telling him what to do.

The TTY demystified

Mon 11-Mar-2019 14:12
superb, fantastic -- opened a new world for me.

Thank you


Tue 19-Mar-2019 16:06
First of all, my compliments! But... http://www.linusakesson.net/games/autosokoban/?v=1&seed=1978221574&level=901
Has it got a solution? It's driving me mad!

Spindle v2

Sat 23-Mar-2019 23:33
Amazing loader LFT, blazingly fast! We used it in Delirious 11 (Genesis Project).

And... we used it again in X Marks The Spot.


Tue 26-Mar-2019 13:22
First of all, my compliments! But... http://www.linusakesson.net/games/autosokoban/?v=1&seed=1978221574&level=901
Has it got a solution? It's driving me mad!

This is probably the best level on this site so far.
